80s: Little Sweet Wife

Chapter 1068: bad luck

Yan Mingda bowed his head in pain. His mind was very confused. He didn't hear a word of what Mr. Yan said. Now he just wanted to find Wu Yue and ask her what was going on!

"I'm going to find Yueyue, I'm going to ask her..."

Yan Mingda rushed out of the door suddenly, and the speed was very fast. The second old man only felt that Yan Mingda had reached the courtyard. ~~щww~suimеng~lā

"You're not allowed to go! You're an unsatisfactory thing!" Grandma Yang was extremely disappointed. Did she really want to hang herself from a tree with a crooked neck?

Yan Mingshun's figure flashed, and he came behind Yan Mingda in an instant. Taking advantage of his unpreparedness, Yan Mingda rolled his eyes and fell into Yan Mingshun's arms.

"It's okay, just passed out."

Yan Mingshun comforted the panic-stricken Grandma Yang. She breathed a long sigh of relief. She was angry, helpless, and heartbroken.

"Nie barrier... how did you have such a evil barrier!" Grandma Yang shook her head and sighed, suddenly getting much older.

Mr. Yan's face was also extremely ugly. He pondered for a long time, then gritted his teeth and said, "Ming Shun, let Yan Mingda join the army this year!"

Rather than let the little grandson be destroyed by a woman, it is better to go to the army to train, and maybe there is still a bit of success.

He could see that Yan Mingda, a stunned young man, couldn't escape Wu Yue's palm at all. Mr. Yan only found it ironic. The son he gave birth to was ruthless and unrighteous, but his two grandsons were the seeds of infatuation.

It's just that the big one likes Zhao Mei, except for being more squeamish and more eye-catching, there is nothing wrong with it, but how could he agree to a woman like Wu Yue?

Even if Yan Mingda never married, it would be better than marrying Wu Yue!

Grandma Yang asked in surprise, "I have to let Mingda get a high school diploma, right?"

Mr. Yan asked back: "Is he able to graduate smoothly like this? His whole heart is in Wu Yue's place. Anyway, the army does not teach diplomas, so let him go to the army and lock it up. I want to see how he will deal with Wu Yue. Meet!"

Grandma Yang is still reluctant. The eldest grandson is already in the army, and the younger grandson is also in the army. How could she be willing!

"Mingda won't be so confused, Wuyue is like that, how can Mingda still..."

The old man Yan interrupted her and scolded: "The woman's opinion is so decided. I will go to the Armed Forces Department tomorrow to sign up for Mingda."

Don't look at the fact that Grandma Yang always yells at the old man, but it's really a big deal, but the master is Yan, and no one is allowed to refute it.

Not even Yan Houde dared, except for Yan Mingshun.

"Would you like to talk to Houde?" Grandma Yang sighed, feeling very uncomfortable. Why can't the family be at peace!

Is this the retribution?

Yan Houde Tan Shufang felt sorry for his daughter-in-law back then, so God asked Wu Yue to torment her grandson. The cycle of cause and effect is indeed a bad fate!

Mr. Yan snorted~www.readwn.com~ Since Yan Mingshun pierced it three years ago, he has not been in contact with his son very much. He always feels that he has a good relationship with his son, but he is sorry for his eldest grandson.

"When I sign up, I'll call to let you know."

Grandma Yang murmured, "Tan Shufang must be making trouble again!"

"She dares to make trouble? Get out of the Yan family if she makes trouble again. Mingda's surname is Yan, and he is my grandson. I can't be the master!"

Mr. Yan shouted at the top of his voice, his eyes widened, and Grandma Yang hurriedly shut up, not to stimulate the old man anymore.

Yan Mingshun doesn't care whether his brother joins the army this year or next year. The old man is right, just Yan Mingda's bad grades. There is really no difference between reading and not reading, but it is better to go to the army to learn something.

His father made a wise decision this time. He only hoped that he could persevere. Tan Shufang, a woman, wanted her son to go to the government and make a fortune. How could she agree to Yan Mingda to join the army as a soldier?

Fortunately, he went to Mojia Village in the afternoon, so he didn't need to worry about these things!

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