80s: Little Sweet Wife

Chapter 1084: Snake rat 1 litter

Jiang Xinmei could see Wu Yue's actions clearly, so she hurriedly struggled to get out, but was kicked heavily by Ouyang Shanshan and fell to the ground. <щww.suimeng.lā

"Don't mind your own business!"

Ouyang Shanshan said coldly, she hated Zhao Mei no less than Wu Yue, how could she allow Jiang Xinmei to spoil Wu Yue!

Jiang Xinmei whimpered, trying to remind Meimei in the corridor, but her tongue was hurt so badly that she could only make an indistinct cry, and the sound was not loud, and Meimei could not hear or notice at all. Wu Yue with a fierce look behind her.

Qiuqiu found Wuyue, but was caught by Ouyang Xiong. He couldn't get away for a while, so he squeaked a few times to remind his master, and turned his eyebrows sharply, Wuyue's ashtray had been smashed.

She was so frightened that she hurriedly leaned back. Fortunately, her body was soft and bent at a perfect ninety-degree angle. The ashtray fell against her head, and it was about to hit her on the head.

Meimei hurriedly pulled out a whip, trying to remove the ashtray.

Brother Hu and the others rushed over in a hurry. They just went upstairs when they saw the thrilling scene. They were so frightened that they lost their minds. They hurriedly took off the smelly shoes on their feet and threw them out. Son.


The stinky shoe was right in the ashtray in Wu Yue's hand. The huge impact knocked the ashtray out diagonally, and fell to the ground not far from the eyebrows. It made a crisp sound and broke into several pieces.

Meimei had never seen Brother Hu, but she heard Yan Mingshun talk about Brother Hu's appearance, and seeing that Brother Hu saved her as soon as he came, Meimei could guess it, she was relieved secretly, and sat in peace. on the ground.

But she was exhausted!

Brother Hu hurried over and asked with concern, "Is Miss Zhao okay?"

"It's okay, did you see my friend downstairs? She was drugged." Meimei asked, but Brother Hu shook his head.

Her brows sank. There was no Jiang Xinmei in the corridor, nor on the first floor. Where did she go?

Brother Hu brought seven or eight people. All of them are strong and veterans. They work as security guards in Yan Mingshun's factory. Brother Hu is the captain, but in fact, their main task is to protect the eyebrows.

Ouyang Xiong and the others were already defeated soldiers, but they were still the opponents of Brother Hu and the others. In less than five minutes, Ouyang Xiong and the others were all subdued.

Wu Yue ran away when she saw that something was wrong, Mei Mei whipped her whip around, wrapped her leg, and then pulled hard, Wu Yue stumbled to the ground and fell severely.

Meimei stood up and walked in front of Wu Yue. Seeing that she wanted to get up, she whipped the whip down again, showing no mercy.

Wu Yue was wearing a white dress, and the red bloodstains were even more shocking. Wu Yue couldn't help rolling and moaning in pain, and shouted for Han Boyuan to save her!

When she heard Han Boyuan's name, her brows rose to a nameless fire~www.readwn.com~ Han Boyuan was definitely the mastermind in this matter today, how could she spare this bastard! ..

As long as he thought of what Han Boyuan said just now, and the disgusting look in his eyes, Meimei was so angry that he just wanted to kill Han Boyuan and Ouyang Xiong, but just find Jiang Xinmei first.

Meimei quickly thought of Wu Yue, this **** must have also attacked Jiang Xinmei!

There was a whine in the room, although Meimei couldn't hear it clearly, but Brother Hu and the others were professionally trained, and they found the room where Ouyang Shanshan was staying after a while. Jiang Xinmei was not on the ground!


Jiang Xinmei couldn't stop crying when she saw Meimei, tears streaming down her face. It's good that her friend is fine, otherwise she will be at peace for the rest of her life.

It wasn't a surprise to see Ouyang Shanshan's brows. There was a nest of snakes and mice, and Wu Yue and Han Boyuan were all together, so it wouldn't be surprising to add another Ouyang Shanshan.

"Dare to love all the **** today!" Meimei said with a sneer.

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