80s: Little Sweet Wife

Chapter 1093: deserve it

Meimei continued: "That is to say, under the circumstances at that time, whether you called Xinmei or not, it was the same result, those people would neither kill you, nor take **** photos of you, much less I sold you to be a female support girl, so..."

She paused, looked at Liu Fang, who was crying with her head down, and looked at Jiang Xinmei's nervous parents, as well as the doctors and nurses next to her, and said softly:

"Liu Fang, the reason why you called is entirely out of your jealousy, because you were turned around, so you also hope that Xinmei will suffer the same as you, so the call was not made when you were threatened, But out of your shameful selfishness.◢Щщш.suimeng.lā”

"No...it's not like that...you're talking nonsense..."

Liu Fang's face was even paler, she didn't dare to raise her head, she just covered her face and cried, feeling very emotional.

"Liu Fang, you're really stupid, do you think it never happened if you don't admit it? Those people have honestly told her." Meimei deliberately deceived her, Liu Fang's face changed greatly, and her lips trembled.

"No...it's not like this...Auntie, listen to me...I don't mean anything...I don't want to..."

She is going to take the university entrance exam next year, and her aunt has to pay for the tuition and living expenses. Her own mother can't count on it at all. She can't lose her aunt's backing!

Meimei looked at Jiang Xinmei's parents' hesitant expressions. They were really good people with kind hearts, but it was a pity that they raised a white-eyed wolf.

Anyway, let this wicked person do it!

"Liu Fang, you should be worried that the tuition fee for college next year will not be paid, right? You are using your aunt's money here, but you are also harming their daughter here. Don't you think you are too shameless?"

After Meimei finished speaking, she stopped looking at Liu Fang. She said it all. If Jiang Xinmei's parents can forgive Liu Fang, then she can't do anything about it!

The crisp sound sounded, and Mother Jiang slapped Liu Fang again, and scolded bitterly: "You white-eyed wolf... From now on, we will cut off our relationship, and don't let me see you again!"

Meimei twitched the corners of her mouth in satisfaction.

Jiang Xinmei didn't come to school the next day, so Meimei asked her for a week of sick leave. Every day she and Wu Chao would copy notes for her to send to her home. Jiang Xinmei's parents were very enthusiastic about Meimei. The eyebrows were supplied.

"Your parents are so enthusiastic, like fire, I can't stand it!" ..

Meimei rubbed the goose bumps on her arms, the emotional cells of these two couples are so rich~www.readwn.com~ Meimei, thank you, if it weren't for you, I'd be afraid..."

Jiang Xinmei's eyes were red and she sniffed.

"Aren't we friends? Thank you. Don't be rude in the future." Meimei warned.

Jiang Xinmei said bitterly, "No, Liu Fang and I will be at odds in the future."

Wu Chao was at a loss, and hurriedly asked what was going on, "Are you doing something bad behind my back?"

"It's nothing, just to teach a few **** a lesson." Meimei said lightly, it's not a glorious thing, so don't let Wu Chao know.

Wu Chao said to himself: "It's strange to say that last night, Wu Yue also seemed to have an accident. The police station called the second uncle. The second uncle was not in Tianjin City, so he called my dad. Last night I The night I spent with my dad, my dad went to the police station overnight, and when he came back, his face was very ugly, and it was different from what I said."

Meimei and Jiang Xinmei spat at the same time, "Deserved!"

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