80s: Little Sweet Wife

Chapter 1096: awkward

Wu Zhengdao's voice was a little hoarse, but it was still very harsh, and it was hard not to hear his brows. ~~щww~suimеng~lā

Moreover, Wu Zhengdao pointed at Ji Jianbo, it was very obvious who this 'he' was referring to.

Combined with Wu Zhengdao's words, his eyebrows jumped, and he looked at Wei Qiuyue and Ji Jianbo in disbelief.

The two of them...

How can it be?

It's not what she thinks it is, is it?

After she returned to Zhao's house five years ago, she stopped paying attention to Ji Jianbo's affairs. She only heard Wu Chao say that the relationship between Ji Jianbo and Wu Zhenghong was getting worse and worse.

In the past, Mrs. Wu and Wei Qiuyue were there to help with the adjustment, and they were suppressed by Wu Zhengdao and Mr. Wu. Ji Jianbo was still a little restrained, but now the Wu family is in a mess, and who still cares about the busy affairs of these two couples, so for many years Unable to hold back any longer, it poured out like a flood.

But I never heard that Ji Jianbo and Wu Zhenghong divorced, so Meimei was surprised.

Now what is the situation?

Wei Qiuyue said calmly, "Wu Zhengdao, I have nothing to do with you anymore. You have no right to take care of my affairs. Don't be ashamed here."

Wu Zhengdao roared angrily: "Wei Qiuyue, he used to call your sister-in-law, how can you find him? Where do you put the Wu family's face like this?"

"The Wu family has nothing to do with me. My surname is Wei, not Wu." Wei Qiuyue mocked.

Do you really think of yourself as a high-level clan, and you still have face?

What kind of face is there for a broken household like the Wu family?

"My son's surname is Wu, are you doing this without considering the feelings of Xiaojie and Xiaochao?" Wu Zhengdao shouted.

There were more and more onlookers, all of whom lived in the family home. Wu Chao's expression changed, and he hurriedly ran over to stand between them.

"If you have anything to do, let's go home." Wu Chao looked at his parents begging.

Wei Qiuyue sighed and nodded slightly. Ji Jianbo saw his eyebrows and smiled shyly, a little embarrassed.

Wu Zhengdao snorted heavily, but he did not object.

Meimei didn't go in with her. This was a family affair of the Wu family. She was no longer a Wu family, so there was no need to intervene.

The next day he went to school, Wu Chao looked like he was full of worries, and his black eyes came out.

While eating at noon, Meimei asked him what happened yesterday. Wu Chao sighed heavily, then sighed again. He didn't speak for a long time, and he stopped talking.

So angry that he slapped his eyebrows and slapped it down, UU Reading www.uukanshu.com roared, "Tell me quickly!"

"It's as you think. My mother and uncle are together. They are going to get married. My father doesn't agree. He comes to make trouble every day."

Wu Chao's summary was neat and tidy, and he explained the matter clearly.

Although there is already speculation, when Wu Chao said, Meimei was still very surprised, swallowed, and asked curiously: "Your uncle and your aunt divorced? When did you leave? Why didn't you tell me about it? ?"

Wu Chao rolled his eyes at him, and said angrily, "I also just found out that my uncle said he had divorced a long time ago. Before my parents, it's no wonder that my uncle didn't come for the Chinese New Year in the past few years, and only my aunt came back with Ji Wenhui. "

"Then why are you still frowning? Isn't your mother happy to find the second spring?" Meimei asked.

Wu Chao was extremely entangled, and wrinkled his face tightly, wondering: "I'm not unhappy, but the problem is... I used to call him uncle, but now he's become my stepfather, you say why I'm so unhappy in my heart. How does it taste?"

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