80s: Little Sweet Wife

Chapter 1102: 6 The pros don't recognize the cruelty

Ouyang Shanshan came to school in a few days, and she looked the same as usual, nothing changed. ?шщЩ.suimEnG.1a

However, when she saw Meimei, she avoided it and did not dare to contact Meimei directly.

Ouyang Shanshan still remembers the scene that night, and she will never forget it.

Almost, only a little... She and her cousin...

Ouyang Shanshan couldn't even imagine that if it really happened, what face would she have to live on?

Fortunately, it didn't happen, but she was not grateful to Zhao Mei. On the contrary, her hatred for Zhao Mei was getting deeper and deeper!

I can't wait to return what happened that night to Zhao Mei as it is, no... it's a thousandfold return to Zhao Mei!

Ouyang Shanshan hid in the corner, looking at Zhao Mei, who was chatting and laughing with Jiang Xinmei and Wuchao, her eyes were sinister, and the sunlight shooting through the leaves was divided into small spots of light on her face, dark and inexplicable.

Mom said, Zhao Mei's good days are coming to an end!

She is waiting for that day to come!

At that time, she will make Zhao Mei kneel in front of her and beg for mercy, humiliate her severely, and make her a laughing stock in everyone's eyes, unable to lift her head for the rest of her life!

Meimei felt the hot eyes behind her, she turned her head to look, Ouyang Shanshan shrank, but she still saw Meimei, her lips curled slightly, and she smiled mockingly.

Ouyang Shanshan was just thinking about how to insult her when she was unlucky!

It's a pity, Ouyang Shanshan is destined to be disappointed!

She had already learned about the conspiracy of Zhao Yingying and Han Suqin in advance, how could she still fall for it?

Just come up with a plan, and let Mr. Zhao see with his own eyes what his good son and daughter-in-law are like?

And the confused old lady he's been covering up all his life!

Yan Mingshun called her last night and said what Helianqing meant. Of course Yan Mingshun couldn't put her in danger, but Meimei wanted to prove it to the old pervert.

She Zhao Mei is definitely not only the canary hiding behind the man!

This time, she must impress the old pervert and admit that she is Yan Mingshun's fiancee!

Wu Yue has never come to school. As for Jiang Xinmei's cousin Liu Fang, she came to school a few days ago, and she also took the initiative to talk to Jiang Xinmei, but Jiang Xinmei ignored her. ..

"My parents said that they will cut off relations with my aunt's family in the future." Jiang Xinmei sighed.

"It's long overdue, it's better not to have that kind of relatives!" Meimei said angrily.

Jiang Xinmei's parents are typical soft buns and good people. They donated money and efforts, and they didn't get any gratitude from others~www.readwn.com~ On the contrary, they almost killed their only daughter.

Jiang Xinmei smiled embarrassingly, and flatly put the braised pork in the rice bowl into Meimei's bowl.

After the incident, she has been reflecting on it all the time. Indeed, she and her parents were too indulgent to her cousin's family. She really deserved to be framed by Liu Fang!

He gave her a white eyebrow, put the braised pork in Wu Chao's basin, and taught him, "In the future, if you want to grow snacks, don't be Mr. Dongguo!"

"Remember, in the future, I will be ruthless and will not recognize my six relatives. I will not recognize anyone except my parents and you two!"

Jiang Xinmei assured her sincerely, her brows couldn't help laughing, and she rolled her eyes again.

"Meimei, let me tell you, this woman Wuyue is too bad, she was the one who poured the water that night." Jiang Xinmei said bitterly.

Meimei nodded and said, "I know, I can't spare her!"

Wu Chao was inexplicable, and asked what was going on out of curiosity. Mei Mei and Jiang Xinmei slapped each other, "Eat your meat and mind your own business!"

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