80s: Little Sweet Wife

Chapter 1104: Mei Shuhan's confusion

Mei Shuhan learned of Wu Yue's experience from Heliance, and he was very worried. Although he had little contact with Wu Yue in the past three years, the relationship has always been connected. {щww{suimеng][lā}

Heliance has been coaxed into obedience by him for the past three years, and is not as jealous as before, so Mei Shuhan told him that he would come back to see his mother, and Heliance was right.

Although he knew that most of Mei Shuhan came back for Wu Yue, he now has 120,000 confidence, knowing that a coquettish **** like Wu Yue would definitely not go with Mei Shuhan.

Of course, Heliance also had the intention of testing Mei Shuhan. He wanted to know how deeply Mei Shuhan felt for him!

In the past three years, Mei Shuhan did not leave many traces on Mei Shuhan. Apart from becoming more refined, gentle and mature, Mei Shuhan was not much different from three years ago.

When he saw Meimei at the door, he was stunned for a while, and then he was happy, but soon his smile turned bitter, even more bitter than Huanglian.

In the past three years, the biggest reason why he followed Heliance willingly was his dream, apart from the long-term relationship. ..

Over the years, many memory fragments appeared in his dreams, most of which were about Helenze.

The happy time he and Heliance lived together, riding horses galloping on the grasslands, searching for plums on the snowy mountains, fishing in the creeks...

There are many such clips, he can feel that he is so happy in the dream, and Helianze is equally happy. The smile on his face is so sunny, which is very different from the gloomy one now.

And he could also feel that in the dream, he and Heliance really fell in love with each other. Because they didn't want to be looked at by the world, they chose to wander around and stay away from the world. Only the two of them took care of each other.

He didn't feel lonely at all, but felt an unprecedented happiness. In his two lifetimes combined, he was not as happy as in his dreams!

Not only did he dream of Heliance, but Mei Shuhan also dreamed of Meimei.

But Meimei's dream is sadness and pain.

In the past three years, he had only dreamed of a scene about Meimei, and it was very incoherent and intermittent, but it was just such a scene that he couldn't let go of it for the past three years.

Because what he dreamed was that Meimei fell from a tall building and fell to the ground. The blood under his body was like a red silk satin, slowly extending, and Meimei's face became paler and paler. A cinnabar mole, still bright red.

What was strange to him was why Meimei wanted to commit suicide by jumping off the building?

Why didn't he and Wu Yue stop Mei Mei when she committed suicide?

Obviously the two of them were there at the time.

Because the dream was incomplete, Mei Shuhan thought about it for three years without realizing it. He always felt that Meimei's death must have something to do with him, and it might even have something to do with Wu Yue.

So he wants to find out the reason~www.readwn.com~ If he doesn't find out, he will never be able to let go.

Of course, he doesn't think that Meimei is his lover in his previous life now. If Meimei is his lover, then what is Heliance?

He can't fall in love with two people, can he?

But Mei Shuhan didn't understand, why did he have such a special and unusual affection for Meimei?

I just want to be kind to her wholeheartedly, I don't want her to be hurt, I want to take care of her for the rest of my life...

Therefore, Mei Shuhan wants to find out two things, one is the cause of Meimei's death, and the other is what his feelings for Meimei are?

Mei Mei was also a little surprised to see Mei Shuhan, but she quickly returned to normal, nodded slightly to Mei Shuhan, turned her body sideways, and walked out of the door.


Good friend Yao Jishan's new book "Legend of the Boudoir": Chen Ying, who has worn it twice, said: I am here to solve the case, forget about the house fight.

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