80s: Little Sweet Wife

Chapter 1107: Helenze's flaws

Mei Shuhan also thought of it just now. It should be said that Mei's mother gave him a hint. WWW.SUIMENG.lā

Although he and Helianze had a good life in the past three years, they still have regrets.

Heliance's uncle, Ning Chenxuan, had always opposed their being together, and even sent people to kill him several times.

Later, it was Heliance who promised Ning Chenxuan that he would pass on the incense of the Ning family, so Ning Chenxuan spared him.

But the question is, since he and Heliance are both men, how could it be possible to have children?

Of course, this problem is easy to solve. Just find a woman to be a test-tube baby, and the child's problem will be solved easily, but——

Helianze's sperm has a problem, he can't give birth to a child.

The congenital defect cannot be cured at all. Mei Shuhan felt that it should be related to Heliance's life experience. He already knew about Heliance's strange life experience.

And it's brother and sister incest.

Heliance's biological father was Ning Chenxuan, and his mother was Ning Chenxuan's sister. When he found out about this, he couldn't believe it. He felt more sympathy and pity for Heliance.

I also understand more why Helianze has a weird temper, and is bloodthirsty and cruel, because his character itself is not perfect, and there are congenital reasons and acquired circumstances.

But what Mei Shuhan didn't expect was that Helianze's body also had problems.

Helianze was destined to have no children in this life.

Of course, Heliance didn't feel anything about it. He didn't care if he had children at all, but he couldn't explain it to Ning Chenxuan.

And Heliance didn't know what he was thinking. He blocked all the news of his health problems and did not let anyone know. Only he and Heliance's exclusive doctor knew.

But Ning Chenxuan would urge this matter every three or five times, Mei Shuhan was very worried, he was worried that Ning Chenxuan's patience was exhausted, and it would be detrimental to him.

Mei Shuhan was not afraid of death, but he was worried that if he really died, Heliance would become more brutal and even destroy the world.

Because Heliance said this before, and Mei Shuhan believed that he would definitely do it.

So, he has to live well!

Therefore, he had to come up with a way to get the best of both worlds, to satisfy both Ning Chenxuan and his mother.

Mei Shuhan immediately thought of Wu Yue, and he wanted Heliance and Wu Yue to fake marriage.

Of course, they wouldn't let Wu Yue have children. The child Heliance had already figured out a way, and now all he needed was a perfect barrier.

Wu Yue is the best candidate.

Mei Shuhan didn't want to trap Wu Yue for the rest of his life~www.readwn.com~ He planned to let Wu Yue get married for five years, and then set Wu Yue free after five years.

At that time Wu Yue was still very young, and he could fund Wu Yue to study abroad and start her new life again.

The most important thing is that what happened to Wu Yue, if her future husband finds out, it will be bad for her, so it is better to marry Heliance falsely.

With him around, Heliance would definitely not treat Wu Yue badly.

Wu Yue also heard Mei Shuhan's words, her eyes lit up, did Brother Shuhan want to marry her? ..

It's a pity that she doesn't want to marry Mei Shuhan now!

Although she didn't want to marry, Wu Yue was still very happy and continued to hold her breath, wanting to hear what Mama Mei meant.

Wu Yue felt that Mama Mei would be very satisfied with her, she had full confidence, but——

Mama Mei hesitated for a while, but shook her head in opposition: "No, Wu Yue can't, Mom doesn't agree."

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