80s: Little Sweet Wife

Chapter 111: friend

Wu Mei walked away with Qiuqiu and a small bag of peanuts. The peanuts were given by Grandma Yang, saying that Qiuqiu likes to eat peanuts very much. He can eat more than a dozen peanuts in one meal, and he can save his own food. His cheeks are always bulging.

When walking to the first floor, Wu Mei hid Qiuqiu in her schoolbag and whispered, "Qiuqiu, please stay in it, if my dad finds out, he will definitely kick you out, don't let it go. Move!"

Qiuqiu's two little black beans looked at Wu Mei quietly, cooed a few times, and got into the schoolbag with the peanuts in their arms, with their big tails wrapped around their heads, and when they buckled the schoolbag, they couldn't find it at all.

Wu Mei buckled her schoolbag with satisfaction, and had a little more confidence in the eyes that escaped Wu Zhengsi. Originally, she planned to put Qiuqiu back on the mountain, but now she can't bear it. She has been lonely for two lifetimes. Feeling the warmth, she wanted to keep Qiuqiu as a friend.

Xiong Mumu was very fond of Qiuqiu, so she heard the words and said, "Why don't you let Qiuqiu go to my house, my parents like small animals, and keep Qiuqiu up to be fat."


A big tail got out of the schoolbag and hit Xiong Mumu. After a while, it shrank back, and Qiuqiu's small head came out and squeaked at him a few times.

Wu Mei's music was broken, and his heart was warm, "Qiuqiu doesn't want to go to your house, he just likes to be with me."

Xiong Mumu snorted angrily: "You can be careful, if your mother finds out, maybe she will shed its hair and eat it."

"If you talk nonsense, I will protect Qiuqiu."

Wu Mei tightened her bag nervously. Qiuqiu was her good friend. She would definitely protect Qiuqiu and never let He Biyun and Wu Yue hurt him.

Xiong Mumu wanted to make a few more jokes, but seeing Wu Mei's little face turning pale, she couldn't help softening her heart, and jokingly said, "Don't worry, if your parents find out, you can say that Qiuqiu was placed in foster care by me. Yes, they won't dare to be ruthless."

"Yes, thank you."

Wu Mei thanked him gratefully, Xiong Mumu's idea was really good, and Wu Zhengsi had the best face. If he knew Qiuqiu belonged to Xiong Mumu, he would definitely not let He Biyun mess up.

Xiong Mumu smiled complacently, he is the smartest person in the world, he can think of a solution for such a trivial matter with his mind.

He Biyun took the fried vegetables into the room, and called into the inner room, "Old Wu, Yueyue, you're ready to eat."

Wu Zhengsi came out to wash his hands, and Wu Yue also came out. He didn't see Wu Mei, so he asked, "Mei Mei hasn't come back yet?"

He Biyun said angrily: "This girl's heart is getting wilder and wilder. It's been almost two hours since school, but she hasn't even seen a single shadow, and she doesn't know where she's wandering. I don't care. stay with her."

Wu Yue's thoughts changed, and she said aggrieved: "I don't know what happened to Meimei recently. They used to wait for me to go home together, but this time I always left first, and I didn't wait for me to go to school."

He Biyun couldn't see her eldest daughter being wronged, so she hurriedly said: "Yueyue, don't worry about this dead girl in the future, you can read your book with peace of mind. The road you will take in the future will be different from that of the dead girl. Don't waste time for her."

Wu Yue was delighted to hear it, but she said, "Meimei is also my sister. I always hope that she will have good grades and win glory for her parents in the future."

Wu Zhengsi raised his brows, looked at Wu Yue approvingly, and then looked at He Biyun with dissatisfaction, "Don't be a dead girl, pay attention to your words, Meimei is our daughter, not a dead girl, let others hear it. What would you think? You are a teacher of the people, not an ignorant woman without cultivation."

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