80s: Little Sweet Wife

Chapter 1125: take your nephew

Han Suqin's expression changed drastically, and she looked at Meimei in disbelief. Han Boyuan said on the phone that Zhao Mei had sharp teeth and sharp teeth, but Han Suqin didn't believe it too much. After all, in her impression, Meimei was always the soft and waxy one 's little girl. ? www.suimeng.lā..

Even saying heavy words is the same as glutinous rice dumplings, how can it be on the side of bitterness?

But now she sees it!

It is indeed bitter enough and mean enough to hurt people without showing any sympathy!

"How did your parents teach you? Is this how you talk to your elders?" Han Suqin reprimanded.

Meimei looked at her with a half-smile, and sneered: "My parents only taught me, no matter who it is, any **** who is unfavorable to me can do it and don't talk about it, it's a waste of time!"

Han Suqin was angry and hated, she just realized now that Meimei has been playing dumb with her all the time!

"Zhao Mei, don't listen to the advice, do you really want to see your father unlucky?" Han Suqin threatened.

Meimei sneered and said, "You take Zhao Yingying too seriously, right? The Zhao family may be unlucky. My dad, that's not necessarily the case!"

She carried her bag and was too lazy to talk nonsense with Han Suqin. Anyway, she got what she should get.

"By the way, I forgot to tell you that the thing in front of your precious nephew is useless, and it can still be used later. My suggestion is very good, you should consider it carefully!"

Meimei who walked to the door stopped, looked at Han Suqin sincerely, and said a lot of thoughtless words, which made Han Suqin inexplicable.

But she soon understood.

Han Boyuan also rushed back to the capital.

"Boyuan, why are you like this? Are you sick?"

Han Suqin was taken aback. She couldn't understand how her nephew had tuberculosis. She quickly thought of a possibility, and she couldn't help sinking her face.

"I told you a long time ago that it's okay to talk about objects, but it's okay to stop, pay attention to your body, look at your body, what's wrong with your body? You haven't given incense to the Han family yet!"

Han Suqin thought that Han Boyuan was greedy for women, so she hollowed out her body and was very dissatisfied.

The word incense deeply stimulated Han Boyuan, his eyes turned red, his face was gray, his lips were trembling, and he was in pain.

"Auntie...I...I...I can no longer pass on incense to the Han family...Ugh...I'm a waste..."

Han Boyuan hugged his head and wailed. After his whole body became stiff, he was kicked a dozen times in a row with his eyebrows pointed at the critical point~www.readwn.com~ In addition, Brother Hu received Yan Mingshun's order not to send him to the hospital for treatment. , After dragging for several days, he was released.

But it's too late...

The doctor said that he missed the best time for treatment, his nerves have been broken, and he can no longer exercise his manhood!

Han Boyuan immediately thought of Han Suqin, he wanted revenge...

He must make Zhao Mei's life worse than death!

After listening to her nephew's intermittent crying, Han Suqin understood what Meimei said yesterday, and immediately became furious.

Zhao Mei, this little slut, is so cruel, she actually ruined her most important nephew. She could not bear to be strong, but now, she just wants to send Zhao Mei to Heliance's bed by herself, so that this Perverted and cruelly abused this little slut!

"Boyuan, don't feel bad, I will definitely avenge you, let's..."

The pair of aunts and nephews whispered for a while, with a sneer at the corners of their mouths, with determination and expectation in their eyes.

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