80s: Little Sweet Wife

Chapter 1128: It's a habitual offender.

Meimei's words were like a missile, blowing up everyone's faces, especially Zhao Yingyong and Zhao Yingnan. ?шщЩ.suimEnG.1a

Zhao Yingnan didn't know about Zhao Yingying. She chose to stay away from the capital and that circle. Zhao Yinghua didn't tell her these things, and only let her live a quiet life as an ordinary person.

She looked at Zhao Yingying angrily and asked, "Second brother, is what Meimei said true?"

Zhao Yingying's dodging eyes have already explained everything. Zhao Yingnan's face turned pale with anger, and he slapped the table hard. Dad Bear hurriedly held her down, fearing that his wife would get angry and make trouble out of control.

At this time, Dad Bear finally understood why his wife stubbornly stayed away from her parents' home.

The water of the Gaomen clan is really too deep!

"Zhao Yingying, Han Suqin, you really can't stop eating shit. You used my idea back then, and now you want to sell your niece again, bah, are you still human?"

Zhao Yingnan remembered the past and became more and more excited. He was so angry that he grabbed the ashtray on the table and threw it at Zhao Yingying. Fortunately, Zhao Yingying was good at it, so he avoided it, and the ashtray broke into pieces.

The old man's face changed greatly, and he asked, "What did you say, Ying Nan? What happened back then?"

Zhao Yingnan burst into tears, pointed at Zhao Yingying, and choked: "When something happened at home, the second brother and the second sister-in-law wanted me to marry Liu Jinshan, saying that this would save the Zhao family, and the third brother and the younger brother would help me. Get out, or I…”

Although decades have passed, the thrill of that night is still vivid in my mind. If it wasn't for Zhao Yingyong and Zhao Yinghua's help, she would have been spoiled by that disgusting old man Liu Jinshan.

Liu Jinshan, that bastard, relied on his power at that time, and I don't know how many girls from good families were ruined. Most of those girls were from good backgrounds and were beautiful. If it weren't for that **** troubled world, they would have a very happy life.

But all the happiness was ruined by the devil Liu Jinshan!

Some girls couldn't bear the rumors and rumors of outsiders and chose to die. Although the strong-minded girl survived, she had a bad life because of that painful life.

This is also the main reason why Zhao Yingnan is reluctant to return to the capital, she is really afraid.

With the passage of time, she gradually played down her resentment towards Zhao Yingying and his wife, but unexpectedly, the two of them put their minds on Meimei again, almost exactly the same as her back then.

"You are beasts... I will kill you!"

Zhao Yingnan broke free from Daddy Bear, UUkanshu www.uukanshu.com grabbed the feather duster and hit Zhao Yingxiong, his eyes were red, and he could not wait to eat these two black things.

"Zhao Yingnan, you are enough, I'm about to fight back."

Zhao Yingying took a few blows, and the pain was so intense that he was about to grab the feather duster with his backhand. The old man was stunned for a long time, and then he digested the news he heard, but when he saw that the second son was still going to attack his daughter, he was furious and walked over for a while. Foot kicked over.

The old man kicked Zhao Yingying's knees, Zhao Yingying knelt down involuntarily, and did not dare to resist at all. ..

"I said how could Yingnan go to the Great Northern Wilderness back then, it turned out that you were a bastard, I killed you, a bastard, and I did something wrong, so I just wanted to sell my sister and niece, why don't you sell your wife !"

The old man was so angry that he couldn't say anything, Han Suqin's face changed slightly, and he was very dissatisfied with the old man.

The corners of his brows and mouth twitched, and he regained some confidence in the old man. It seemed that the old man did not conspire with these two bastards.

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