80s: Little Sweet Wife

Chapter 1133: God help them

Meimei pulled away the grass ball in Han Boyuan's mouth, and took out a dagger from the bag. The cold light of the blade made Han Boyuan dare not let out the air. He regretted it very much. How could he forget Zhao Mei's cruelty that night Woolen cloth!

"I ask one question, you answer one, or I'll poke your eyes out.~~щww~suimеng~lā" Meimei said coldly.

Han Boyuan nodded his head like a chicken pecking at rice, for fear of making his eyebrows unhappy, this female evil star is really ruthless, didn't you see that Ouyang Xiong's eyes were ruined by this female evil star!

"What were you going to do with me before?"

"My aunt said that the eldest uncle and Ce Shao have negotiated, and if you are **** and sent there, Ce Shao will return the eldest uncle's evidence..." Han Boyuan said it all at once.

Meimei secretly scolded the idiot, paying the money with one hand and the delivery with the other hand is the way to buy and sell. Zhao Yingying is really coaxing, so he tied her up and sent her over first, hum, she dared to bet on the head of the item, that pervert Heliance would get it. She will never return the evidence.

What this pervert is thinking about is to bring down the Zhao family, how could he give up a great opportunity for her?

Damn, he is playing Zhao Yingying as a pig!

"Where are Helianze's people?" Meimei asked.

"It's at the intersection, a white van with a license plate number of 7114." Han Boyuan confessed honestly, and didn't dare to hide it.

Meimei searched around, and found an abandoned brick in the corner. She picked the largest one and patted it on the back of the necks of the two aunts and nephews, and they all fainted.

The three tied the two aunts and nephews to death, and pulled the weeds to block their mouths. Xiong Mumu did not know where to find a dirty scooter, and carried the aunts and nephews to the car. , pushed to the intersection.

"No, Heliance's people are not stupid. You can tell by looking at the bag that you have dropped the bag, so you must be suspicious." He stopped halfway and muttered to himself.

Meimei patted her forehead angrily, yes, how could she forget about this.

What Heliance wanted was one person, she sent two, and it was an old woman and a waste man, obviously something was wrong!

"Then what to do? Or throw them into the cesspool." Xiong Mumu came up with a bad idea.

"Go and see what's going on."

Meimei didn't want to give up such a good opportunity for revenge, but it was too cheap to throw these two **** into the cesspool. With Heliance's tyranny, if he saw these two goods sent over, Heliance would definitely be furious and teach him a lesson. The ~www.readwn.com~ of the two of them can dispel the hatred in her heart! ..

The white van stopped at the intersection and was very conspicuous. Xiao Se put on a straw hat and went over to inquire about the situation. She glanced inside the car and quickly waved at Meimei and the others.

Meimei and Xiong Mumu were busy pushing the car past, but they saw two people in the car, but they were sleeping like pigs and snoring loudly. God helped her!

Together, the three put aunt and nephew Han Suqin on a sack, and then tied it with a rope. One of the sacks was tucked under the seat, and it was impossible to tell if you didn't look closely.

Yan Mingshun followed the binoculars and saw the movements of Meimei and the others clearly, and the corners of his lips rose slightly.

"How long will it take for those two to wake up?" Yan Mingshun asked softly.

"There are at most three minutes." The person next to him replied respectfully.

Yan Mingshun waved his hand in satisfaction, the people around him understood it, licked his mouth and learned a few bird calls, and soon, the figure hidden in the hidden place around the eyebrows disappeared without a trace like a ghost.

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