80s: Little Sweet Wife

Chapter 1135: Helenze's Malice

As expected, Heliance's group was in the villa an hour's drive away, including Ouyang Xiong, some other attendants, and Heliance's subordinates. *WwW.suimeng.lā

"Master Ce, how long will it take to arrive?" Ouyang Xiong, who had lost an eye, asked the question. ..

Ouyang Xiong's left eye was taken away by the ball. If he was sent to the hospital in time, he might be able to get in and restore some vision, but he hated Ouyang Xiong for being rude to her, and destroyed Ouyang Xiong with broken glass. eyeballs.

When Ouyang Xiong's friend found the eyeball, it was covered with glass slag, and the entire eyeball was useless.

No way, the doctor can only inlay an artificial eyeball in Ouyang Xiong's left eye socket. It looks like a real eye on the surface, but in fact it has no function, and it has to be taken out and cleaned every day, which is very troublesome.

What made Ouyang Xiong extremely resentful was that the current technology was not particularly developed. Although artificial eyeballs were the same as real eyes at first glance, they could tell the difference if they looked closely. They were as lifeless as the eyes of dead fish.

He was clearly a handsome young man, but because of the loss of one eye, he became a disabled person, and he was often tormented by eye pain, which even affected the vision of his right eye.

When did Ouyang Xiong suffer such a big loss?

Zhao Mei, this bitch, how could he easily forgive him?

Heliance glanced at Ouyang Xiong lightly, with a sarcasm on the corner of his lips, and said coldly, "There's still half an hour at most, the brothers are having fun."

"Hahaha, I heard that the granddaughter of the Zhao family is an unparalleled beauty. We are really lucky today."

"And it's still budding flower bones, the taste must be beautiful!"

"Although the first Dao is from Ce Shao, we are all dipped in Ce Shao's light to enjoy this good fortune, and we will be satisfied with a mouthful of soup."


Heliance snorted disdainfully. Now that he has a little plum blossom, how could he still be interested in this vulgar fan?

"No, let Ouyang Xiong take the lead. After all, I suffered a great grievance this time."

Heliance's words left Ouyang Xiong stunned for a while. He was overjoyed and said gratefully, "Thank you Cessao."

"Don't take pity on Xiangxiyu!" Heliance teased.

Ouyang Xiong's face was gloomy, he gritted his teeth and said, "Don't worry, Master Ce, I will never spare this **** lightly."

Heliance smiled with satisfaction~www.readwn.com~ This is what he wanted. Although Mei Shuhan was willing to follow him now, Zhao Mei used to be Mei Shuhan's crush, which made him very unhappy. The poisonous thorn had been stuck in his heart, and he had to pull it out.

If you want to pull out the poisonous thorn, you must let Zhao Mei die!

Of course he won't kill Zhao Mei this time. The time has not yet come. There will be opportunities in the future. Let Zhao Mei experience the good taste of being crushed by thousands of people.

At that time, he will publish Zhao Mei's spring photos in major newspapers and magazines, and Zhao's granddaughter's spring palace photos. This gimmick must be very attractive, right?

As long as he thought of the dead old man from the Zhao family and the expression on his granddaughter's **** photo, Heliance couldn't help but feel happy. As for whether Mei Shuhan would be angry, Heliance was not too worried.

His little plum blossoms have soft ears, and he will be fine as long as he says a few good words, and a woman who has been raped by so many men, presumably Xiaomeihua will not take it to heart!

"Young Master Ce, they are here." The men came over to report.

Everyone in the room was excited, and looked at the yard in unison.

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