80s: Little Sweet Wife

Chapter 1141: madness

Han Suqin didn't go home until the next day. No matter how stupid Zhao Yingying was, he realized that something was wrong. He knew that Han Suqin's disappearance must have something to do with Meimei. {щww{suimеng][lā}

But he doesn't care about Han Suqin's whereabouts now, he just wants to send his niece to Heliance with his own hands, so as to keep his high official and rich salary.

Meimei also found it strange. According to reason, Heliance should have discovered something wrong yesterday. How could he be so impatient?

Shouldn't aunt and nephew Han Suqin be severely punished, and then send these two to the Zhao family to show off their power?

Why hasn't there been any movement yet? ..

It's not like Helianze's perverted style of doing nothing!

Meimei couldn't figure it out, and she didn't bother to think about it anymore. The soldiers will stop the water and flood the soil. Anyway, she will not change, so let's see what Zhao Yingying wants to do!

Mr. Zhao also sensed something was wrong, and felt that something had happened to Han Suqin. If he was 30 years younger, maybe he could think more deeply, but now that he is older, his reaction has begun to be slow, and the authorities are obsessed with his brain. wide awake.

Fortunately, the old man's view of right and wrong is still there. He feels that Zhao Yingying should not be allowed to continue to make mistakes. He has to drag his son back from the mud pit.

As for the others, the old man really couldn't care about it for a while, and he couldn't think of what to do!

That's why he found out that something was wrong with Han Suqin's disappearance, but the idea just flashed by, and he didn't think about it in depth, thus missing the best opportunity, and then let the Zhao family make a fool of himself.

Meimei felt Zhao Yingxiong's malice towards her. She had no other good way to deal with it, so she simply did not go out. From breakfast to noon, she stayed at Zhao's house, lying on the sofa with a book in her hand, and then she was safe. However.

Zhao Yingxiong waited all morning, but he did not wait for the news that Meimei was out of the compound. He was as anxious as an ant on a hot pot. Today is not only the deadline Heliance gave him, but also the old man's.

If there is no result, he will surely die!

Zhao Yingying had no choice but to call Meimei and ask her to go to the Dongfeng Hotel, and Han Suqin invited her to dinner.

To say that this Zhao Yingying is really stupid, Han Suqin has been missing for a day and a night, and he still uses Han Suqin as a guise, is it because he is afraid that others will not know that he is lying?

Of course, Zhao Yingying could never have imagined that Han Suqin's disappearance was Meimei's masterpiece. If someone else might be able to bluff it, but Han Suqin put it into the sack by Meimei herself, how could she be deceived?

Knowing that Zhao Yingying was uneasy and kind, Meimei certainly wouldn't jump into the pit foolishly.

"Second uncle~www.readwn.com~Second aunt, why hasn't she come home yet? Grandma misses her. Please let second aunt go home quickly, don't hang around outside all the time."

Meimei raised her voice uneasy and kindly, and sure enough, the old lady's ears shook and her face sank.

"Second child, let your daughter-in-law go home quickly. The eldest is not a small person, and she is not sensible at all. Really, how can you be someone's daughter-in-law."

The old lady came over and shouted a few words into the microphone. Zhao Yingying could hear it clearly, so he had to hang up the phone.

Meimei proudly listened to the beeping sound coming from the microphone, and raised her eyebrows, she is not stupid, she knows that there are tigers in the mountains, but she still prefers to go to the tiger mountains!

Today, she didn't go anywhere, just stayed at Zhao's house, and Zhao Yingying had the ability to run to the house to harm her!

The uncooperation of Meimei made Zhao Yingxiong angry, so he decided to take the risk and go home to discuss with the old lady, and let the old lady coax this dead girl out.

The old lady has always loved him the most, and she will definitely not watch him die!

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