80s: Little Sweet Wife

Chapter 1147: loose money boy

Xiao Se roared, and the most eye-catching thing was the banknotes in her hand. All of a sudden, pedestrians rushed up, all of them poured into the hotel. The lobby was crowded with people, and more and more people joined in. <щww.suimeng.lā

The lobby manager looked at Xiao Se with a dumbfounded eye. For the first time, he didn't think the booming business was a happy event!

With so many people, how can the back kitchen be so busy?

"Don't worry, the vegetables don't need to be cooked, you only need to take out the cucumbers and tomatoes, and I will still pay you ten times the market price."

Depressed, he took out a handful of banknotes and stuffed it into the manager's arms.

The manager is also a clever one. Although he doesn't understand what kind of nerves Xiao Se has made, he would be an idiot if he didn't pick up the beauty of money falling from the sky.

"Don't worry, there are enough cucumbers and tomatoes, miss, wait a moment!"

Holding enough money for his three-day running water, the manager went to the back kitchen refreshed, and asked him to take out all the cucumbers and persimmons, along with a bag of carrots, all good things for making a platter, enough The lady outside made it.

"I've come to eat, the more you eat, the more prizes you will get... Don't miss it when you pass by..." ..

Xiong Mumu is also smart. At first glance, he understood what Xiao Se's idea was, and immediately ran outside the hotel to attract customers. For fear that people would not believe it, he gave several hundred yuan bills to several people on the spot, which stunned these pedestrians. The green light poured into the hotel one after another, not to mention that there was no place for the station in the lobby, and even the road in front of the hotel was crowded.

Helianze, who had been waiting impatiently, received a call from his subordinate who was sent to answer the old lady.

"Master Ce, the Peace Hotel suddenly surrounded by a lot of people, blocked in all directions, and our people couldn't even get in." The subordinates were very embarrassed and a little scared.

"What's going on?" Helianze's voice was low.

"There are two mentally ill people who took a bunch of money and invited people to eat cucumbers at the restaurant. They were all hundred-yuan bills. Pedestrians on the road ran to collect the money."

Looking at the two large bills he had just brought back, his subordinates couldn't help but smile, but when he thought of his failure to complete the task and Heliance's punishment, his smile quickly turned into a wry smile.

Heliance was so angry that he slapped a corner of the table with his palm. Ouyang Xiong and the others next to him were shaking with fright. They played with Han Suqin for several hours yesterday, and now they are sick!

I desperately need the comfort of a fresh and delicious girl like Zhao Mei!

Heliance called Zhao Yingxiong again~www.readwn.com~ Haosheng threatened him, but Zhao Yingying dared to defy, and promised to go to the restaurant in person and bring Zhao Mei out.

As for the missing Han Suqin, no one has remembered so far.

Yan Mingshun also received a call from his subordinates. When he heard that the madmen who threw the money were Xiao Se and Xiong Mumu, he couldn't help laughing. It's a good idea to use money to smash it!

"Just stick to all the exits of the hotel, don't worry about the rest!" Yan Mingshun gave instructions.

According to this situation, his people should not need to come forward.

No matter how arrogant Heliance was, he wouldn't dare to blatantly take away his eyebrows in front of everyone's eyes, not to mention that Mr. Zhao should be here soon.

Meimei on the second floor also noticed something was wrong outside. She hurriedly asked the waiter what was wrong. When the waiter said that the two looked crazy, Meimei knew who it was, and the original discomfort disappeared.

In this life, sincere good friends like Xiao Se and Xiong Mumu are hundreds of times more important than those so-called relatives!

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