80s: Little Sweet Wife

Chapter 1149: serious

Xiao Se said that the old man Zhao went out, and her brows could not help frowning. The reason why she took the risk today is to let the old man recognize the true colors of the old lady and Zhao Yingying. *WwW.suimeng.lā

But now that the old man is away, her thoughts are wasted!

"Then let's go, it's a pity." Meimei was a little regretful. She really wanted to see the expression of the old man after being slapped in the face?

Repeatedly calling and urging her to come to Kyoto, she said that she could not be filial, and said that she could not write two characters of Zhao in one stroke, and she and her parents could not be too cold...

These words were said by the old man before, accusing her family of alienating the Zhao family for the past three years.

In terms of righteousness, their family could not refute the old man and could only accept these accusations, but she was uneasy.

Why did these people harm her, and she should be blamed?

Even if the old man has no intention of harming others, he is condoning these murderers, and he cannot shirk his responsibility.

These days, Zhao Yingxiong and his wife have come up with endless methods. She can't believe that the old man didn't notice it, but the old man has been indifferent and didn't take any measures. Those who don't know it think that the old man is the messenger behind the scenes!

Of course, in the eyes of Meimei, the confused patriarch of the old man is no different from the main messenger, and even more hateful!

So she wants the old man to see with his own eyes what kind of face his relatives who can't write two words for Zhao, see what kind of face he has to say those disgusting words! ..

But the old man didn't come, no matter how well she planned, the plan could not be carried out. Meimei was about to go out with bleak, and Zhao Yingying squeezed in sweating profusely.

He was actually near the hotel, so he arrived quickly.

With sharp eyes, Xiao Se saw Zhao Yingying, and she quickly walked to the other side to prevent Zhao Yingying from seeing her.

Meimei also gave up her thoughts of evacuating, and wanted to see what Zhao Yingying wanted to do.

Seeing that Meimei was still alive and well, Zhao Yingxiong couldn't help but feel dissatisfied with the old lady. It's really useless to do this little thing well!

"Second uncle is also here for dinner?" Meimei looked at Zhao Yingying with a half-smile, and then at the old lady.

Zhao Yingying drove the people out of the room, and the room was immediately clean. He locked the door, sat down with a sullen face, and looked at Meimei gloomily.

Heliance only gave him an hour, and he simply didn't know how to show it. This niece is a stubborn niece, no matter how much you talk about it, it won't help.

"Mei Mei, the second uncle has found a good marriage for you, Master Ce wants to have a good chat with you, you can go with me!" Zhao Yingying was too lazy to pretend to be a kind elder, and his face sank.

Meimei no longer pretended to be innocent, and sneered, "Second uncle, you are so shameless, what kind of person is Heliance~www.readwn.com~ Do you think I don't know? You keep such a good marriage. Give it to your own wife."

The old lady reprimanded: "you are neither big nor small, how can you talk to your second uncle?"

"It's not as good as a pig and a dog like him, a beast who sells his own niece, what is he worthy of my respect? Don't be complacent, old lady, that pervert Heliance is an old woman who doesn't look down on your dry skin, or else I'm afraid you will also be sold by your good son!"

Meimei showed no mercy, and demoted the mother and son to nothing, leaving no face at all.

The old lady was so angry that she gasped heavily, grabbed the plate on the table and threw it at Meimei, "You idiot... I shouldn't have brought you back..."

Meimei easily avoided the plate and said sarcastically, "When I want to come back and let you sell it?"

Zhao Yingying was also very angry. With a sullen face, he slowly walked to Meimei, the veins on his hands burst.

Heliance's time was getting less and less, he couldn't hold it back anymore, this dead girl was so arrogant, even if she married a good family in the future, she wouldn't think about helping him, it's better to use it now.

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