80s: Little Sweet Wife

Chapter 1155: Han Suqin goes home

Han Suqin was courted by more than a dozen people yesterday, but she was very happy, but her body was tortured so badly that her whole body seemed to be run over by a tank, and her bones were broken. She and Han Boyuan were imprisoned together. She couldn't help but rejoice. WWW.SUIMENG.lā

Han Boyuan is favored by Da Hei Lightning in turn. Although he is a master of love and has at least a dozen women, his chrysanthemums are truly undeveloped and extremely delicate. How can he stand the favor of Tibetan mastiffs and bulldogs?

Especially the dog's thing still has barbs, the size is bigger than his own, Han Boyuan doesn't know how he survived yesterday, his lower body seems to be torn and bloody.

Seeing that there were only Heliance and Ouyang Xiong in the room, Han Suqin couldn't help but heaved a sigh of relief. The two of them are always better than a dozen or so.

Han Boyuan's face was pale, and he couldn't stand still. He seemed to have no bones, and he slumped to the ground. Heliance looked at him contemptuously, and asked his subordinates to drag him away.

Besides, today's music is Han Suqin, who has nothing to do with Han Boyuan.

Heliance angered his subordinates, and after a short while, his subordinates brought in yesterday's **** and lightning. Han Boyuan immediately trembled like a sieve, and his face was completely bloodless.

Han Suqin was also taken aback, she knew why her nephew became so dead, and she would rather be rounded by a dozen people than by two beasts...

It was already evening when the old man came back. During this period, Zhao Yingying wanted to go out several times, but was dragged back by the guards arranged by the old man. Zhao Yingying sighed and his face was gray and defeated, just like the end of the world.

Not long after the old man left the big boss, Heliance also asked his subordinates to send the evidence of Zhao Yingying's acceptance of bribes to the big boss, and it was less than ten minutes before and after.

Zhao Yingying didn't even eat dinner, and was taken away by the relevant department. The old lady cried into tears, but it was of no avail.

Heliance didn't know that the old man had already negotiated with the big boss. He was still complacent. He felt that he was playing with everyone in his hands, which was really cool.

The proud Heliance was in a good mood, so he released his aunt and nephew Han Suqin, and asked a doctor to stitch up the wound below Han Boyuan.

Han Suqin's aunt and nephew are all glad that they escaped death, thinking that Zhao Yingying and Heliance must have reached a friendly agreement and sent Zhao Mei to Heliance, otherwise how could Heliance let them go?

Han Boyuan regretted not being able to taste beauty, but Han Suqin was happy that Zhao Yingying had kept her position, and she was still the noble lady that everyone envied.


When Han Suqin came home, just as she stepped into the house, she was slapped hard by the heartbroken old lady with a feather duster~www.readwn.com~ she was inexplicable.

"Mom, what are you doing crazy?" Han Suqin was angry and hurt.

"Where did you die these days? The second child was taken away, do you know that? My second child, I will never come back..."

The old lady beat Han Suqin to vent her anger. She didn't dare to provoke her, let alone the old man. Han Suqin came back just in time, and something happened to the man, so she might not go home for two consecutive nights. Daughter-in-law, she naturally has to teach her a lesson. ..

Han Suqin couldn't believe her ears, and after asking several times, she was sure that Zhao Yingying was really taken away, and that her noble lady did it!

"How could this happen? Isn't it okay already..."

Han Suqin muttered to herself, and inadvertently saw the brows lying on the sofa, her brows were red in white, refreshed, and her complexion was extremely good, which formed a sharp contrast with her embarrassment.

Thinking of what happened in the past few days, Han Suqin suddenly became angry and rushed to her brows, scolding: "It's all you...you black-hearted little slut..."

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