80s: Little Sweet Wife

Chapter 115: climb

He Biyun and Wu Yue's faces were still ugly. Xiong Mumu's previous words were obviously that they didn't want to be with Wu Yue. He Biyun was distressed that her eldest daughter was rejected, and Wu Yue was not reconciled, and she was jealous that Wu Mei was in Xiong Mumu's eyes.

Although she doesn't like Xiong Mumu, a weirdo, she doesn't like Wu Mei to be friends with Xiong Mumu. Wu Yue had almost forgotten about the neglect she received from Xiong Mumu in the past, but she was rejected again today, so that Wu Yue did not miss anything. When she thought about it, she was unwilling to add jealousy, which made her lose her appetite.

Wu Zhengsi looked very calm. Seeing that Wu Mei had washed his hands, he said, "Let's eat!"

Wu Mei sat down obediently, but his chopsticks were not obedient at all. He unceremoniously took a large piece of braised pork. The lean meat was more lean and the fat was less. The color of the sauce was red, and the oil was shiny. .

She bit the fat meat in one bite, swallowed it with the rice, and didn't even chew it. She didn't like eating fat meat at all, and she felt disgusting when it was greasy, but she couldn't let Wu Zhengsi help eat the fat. Meat, that is Wu Yue's patent, and she didn't want to eat the meat Wu Zhengsi had bitten, so she felt disgusted.

Of course, you can't spit out the fat. He Biyun will definitely scold her when he sees it, and maybe he will use this to make her eat less meat. She can't let He Biyun find the slightest excuse.

The rest of the lean meat was a little tough, but Wu Mei took a lot of effort to chew it up. It was probably because He Biyun was in a hurry when cooking, and the heat was not yet at home.

"Dad, I don't want to eat fat."

Wu Yue pouted and acted coquettishly, Wu Zhengsi was stunned for a while, but he still took the meat from Wu Yue's bowl, bit half of the fat on top, and put the rest of the lean meat back into Wu Yue's bowl.

"Thank you, Dad."

Wu Yue said delicately, smugly glanced at Wu Mei, who was smothering her head to eat, only Wu Mei was concentrating on eating meat, and did not look at her at all, Wu Yue glared at the blind man, wasted effort, she had no choice but to resent it. Put lean meat into your mouth.

Wu Mei sneered to herself. When she was a child, Wu Yue liked to act like a spoiled child. From time to time, she would ask Wu Zhengsi to help her bite the fat. But since she entered junior high school, Wu Yue probably felt that she was an adult, so she seldom did this. Today, too. I don't know what kind of nerves have come out.

"Yueyue eat more meat, your face is sharp."

He Biyun picked out a few pieces of lean meat and put them in Wu Yue's bowl, and helped to bite the fat meat. She was very loving. Wu Yue smiled sweetly at her and ate the meat with relish.

Wu Mei didn't say a word. No one helped her to clip her. Anyway, she couldn't treat her stomach badly, and she had to eat well no matter what.

"Meimei, why did you play with Xiong Mumu?" He Biyun's voice slowed down, pretending that he didn't see Wu Mei's successive cuts, and smiled reluctantly.

"I met him on the way from school." Wu Mei said lightly, swallowing a piece of meat in a big mouth, even if the heat was not enough, the taste was still good.

Wu Yue joined in the fun: "Mei Mei, why haven't you waited for me after school these days? Don't leave tomorrow, let's go home together."

He Biyun said repeatedly, "Yes, yes, Meimei, you go home together, and then go to Xiong's house to do your homework together, and ask your sister to help you with tuition."

She still hasn't given up on letting Wu Yue cling to the Xiong's family. In these days, if there is no help from noble people, even if she is capable, it will be difficult for her to succeed. With one more relationship and one more way out, Wu Yue is about to become a big girl. In the future, work and marriage have to be related, and now she has to start planning for a good life.

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