80s: Little Sweet Wife

Chapter 1163: undeterred

The biggest change in the past three years is undoubtedly He Lianqing. Three years ago, this guy still looked like he was about to collapse under the wind. {щww{suimеng][lā}

But now He Lianqing is like a different person, his face is as white as jade, there is no wrinkle on his face, his skin is smoother than that of an 18-year-old girl, and coupled with his own elegant temperament, he goes out to abduct a **** girl. , absolutely within reach.

It's just that although the appearance has become good-looking, the change is abnormal, and the heart is as hateful as ever. ..

"What does it have to do with you when I introduce my partner?" He Lianqing looked at Meimei contemptuously, and what he said could kill his popularity.

"You don't care what you say. You clearly said that as long as I pass the test, you will agree with me and Brother Mingshun!"

Meimei shouted angrily, so frightened that the fat orange cat in Helianqing's arms jumped to the grape trellis and looked down vigilantly.

"Soul, the girl's family has no cultivation at all. How can a vulgar and rude woman like you be worthy of being the daughter-in-law of my Helian family!"

Helianqing's arms were empty, he raised his eyebrows angrily, raised his head kindly and waved at the orange cat on the shelf, coaxing it to get down quickly, but the orange cat refused to come down, even if the temptation with dried fish was useless.

Every time the master and the mistress of Brother Qiu meet, there will be a lot of quarrels.

Helianqing glared angrily at her blue-faced brows, seeing that she was so angry, her mood was inexplicably good, and she was bored when she was idle, so it was quite good to make fun of the little girl!

There are also white **** and little blue snakes...

All cuter than this little girl!

"It's delicious... come and eat..."

Helianqing took out a handful of chocolates from the bag, tore the packaging, and shook it at Meimei, just like teasing a puppy. Of course, the object could never be Meimei.

Qiuqiu jumped out of his backpack, and the black bean eyes kept spinning. The temptation of chocolate was too great for Mr. Qiu!

Do you want to eat?

Go eat, it seems that I am sorry for the master, but I am even more sorry for myself if I don't eat!

Qiuqiu only thought about it for three seconds, then he resolutely called Brother Cha to go to Helianqing's place and 'betrayed' their master without hesitation!

"Brother Qiu, is it not good for us to do this?" Cha Cha was very uneasy.

Qiuqiu didn't care, "Stupid, we're a family anyway, what's wrong with eating something!"

Cha Cha couldn't help nodding, listening to Brother Qiu's words, it's true, the family needn't be polite.

Meimei stared at the two betrayal little guys with ugly faces. Did she eat less of the unconscionable things?

I don't know how to take care of her face!

Helianqing stroked Qiuqiu and Chacha contentedly~www.readwn.com~ was in such a good mood that she didn't even look at her brows, her whole heart fell on the little guys.

"Rhubarb down, sister has delicious food here."

Not to be outdone, Meimei waved at the fat orange cat, with dried fish soaked in medicinal water in her hand, the orange cat's eyes lit up, and without even thinking about it, she ran into Meimei's arms, too intimate.

"It's good, I'm more sensible than some people..."

Meimei smiled brightly. Rhubarb was the orange cat she had raised in her previous life. It was exactly the same as this one, so when she first saw Rhubarb, she called it that. Dried fish, otherwise, how can rhubarb be so spiritual?

Helianqing snorted softly, childish!

The corners of Xiaomeng's mouth twitched slightly. I don't know who is more naive!

After a long while, Helianqing remembered the purpose of calling him today, and said coldly, "If Zhao Huaishan asks you to save his wife, don't be foolish and kind."

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