80s: Little Sweet Wife

Chapter 1177: bad ears

Ouyang Xiong stared at Yan Mingshun, a little unable to believe his guess, but there was a voice in his heart, telling him that the stern young man in front of him was the Ming Shao who had always been against Heliance. [WWw.SuiMеng.lā..

Ming Shao appeared suddenly three years ago, no one has seen his true face, and no one knows his origin, but the people around Ming Shao are He Lianqing's subordinates, so they guessed that Ming Shao eight out of ten Nine was cultivated by Helianqing.

The purpose is obvious.

In the past three years, Young Master Ming and Young Master Ce have always been against each other, and implemented the "two whatevers" policy to the end——

Anything that Ce Shao likes must be opposed;

Anything that Ce Shao opposes must be supported.

There are many methods ranging from stealing business and turf to assassination and intimidation. Of course, Shao Ce is not a vegetarian, and he fights back every time.

As the saying goes, guns are easy to hide, dark arrows are hard to defend, and Young Master Ce always has to suffer a little from time to time, but there is no way to take this Young Master.

This kind of knowing who the enemy is, but he can't control the other party's bad feeling has made Heliance's temper even more violent in the past three years, and it has also made life very difficult for their followers.

Heliance wanted to find out this mysterious Ming Shao all the time, but he came back without success.

But now-

Ming Shao appeared in front of him like this. After Ouyang Xiong was surprised, his fear surged to the end, and he subconsciously turned his back.

This Ming Shao's method is not much gentler than Ce Shao!

"You...you are Ming Shao? Ming Shao who only goes against Ce Shao?" Ouyang Xiong asked reluctantly.

"What do you say!"

Yan Mingshun chuckled lightly, his voice was clear and pleasant, but Ouyang Xiong only felt eerie and terrifying, his body trembled, and he looked at Yan Mingshun with fear.

He had heard this laughter, it was on the phone!

Last year, when Ce Shao went out to work, there was a bomb in the car. If Ce Shao was not very responsive, he would have gone to the underworld to report earlier, but that time Ce Shao was seriously injured. It was the biggest loss he had suffered over the years. .

Not long after the explosion, Ce Shao received a call from Ming Shao. He could hear it clearly. This was how Ming Shao laughed on the phone.

The same rhythm, the same sound...

But it's just as terrifying...

There is no need for Yan Mingshun's answer anymore. Ouyang Xiong knows that this man is the dangerous Ming Shao. He didn't read the almanac when he went out today. How could he have met this evil spirit without dying!

"Ming Shao, this is a personal grievance between me and Zhao Mei, please don't interfere."

Although Ouyang Xiong was afraid, he still mustered up his courage and wanted to test the relationship between Ming Shao and Zhao Mei. He ran out without warning and said that Zhao Mei was the woman that Ming Shao was protecting~www.readwn.com~ He I even felt that Ming Shao said that on purpose in order to go against him.

Moreover, if Heliance knew that he had fled in front of Young Master Ming without a fight, and that he had lost the face of Young Master Ce, Heliance would definitely not spare him lightly.

Now that he has boarded Heliance's boat, he has the exclusive label of 'Ce Shao' on his body, and he can only fight against Ming Shao to the end.

Even if he doesn't want to!

Yan Mingshun took Zhao Mei in his arms, and his opponent said, "This guy's ears are not very good, so it's useless to keep them."

Ouyang Xiong trembled, what did he mean?

The subordinate asked respectfully: "Ming Shao, do you want to keep one?"

Yan Mingshun looked down at Meimei and asked with a smile, "What does Meimei mean?"

"Isn't the left eyeball gone, so let's get the left ear too."

The sweet and soft voice said **** words, which inexplicably made everyone feel chills and couldn't bear to watch the next scene.

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