80s: Little Sweet Wife

Chapter 117: Not scared anymore

The next day at school, Wu Mei was worried about leaving Qiuqiu at home, but it was not a problem to take it to school. If anyone found out and reported the teacher, Qiuqiu would definitely be confiscated by the teacher, and the parents had to be notified, He Biyun There's no way to escape a beating there.

"Qiuqiu, you stay at home and eat peanuts. My sister is going to school. Don't run around. There are a lot of big cats outside who will grab you for a snack. Don't sneak out!"

Wu Mei whispered to the little squirrel, Qiuqiu was holding a peanut in both front paws, and it was very delicious. After eating, he cooed a few times at Wu Mei, and he didn't know if he understood the master's words.

"What's the sound in your room?" Wu Yue went into the room after washing up, and when she heard the clicking sound, she couldn't help walking over.

Wu Mei was so frightened that he hurriedly stuffed the ball under the bed, and said calmly, "Where is the voice, you heard it wrong."

Wu Yue looked around and found nothing suspicious, but she still didn't believe it. There was a sound just now, so she asked, "You didn't hear the sound just now? Why did I hear the click!"

"Anyway, I didn't hear it, there's something wrong with your ears!"

Wu Meiben was also worried that Qiuqiu would make a noise under the bed, but after all this time, he had been quiet and calm, so he let go, rudely ran over, ignored Wu Yue, and Gu Zi left the room .

With a gloomy face, Wu Yue checked Wu Mei's bedroom again, but she still couldn't find anything, so she had to go back to her own room, planning to take the time to ask Zhen Wanwan to see if there were any unit tests recently, and then tell her parents about the results of the idiot. , will definitely teach Wu Mei a lesson.

Wu Mei quickly ate breakfast, first Wu Yue went to get the insulation box on the chest of drawers, one big red and the other big green, they were all newly bought by He Biyun, the old one that Wu Yue used before was not very good at keeping warm. Well, He Biyun originally planned to use it for Wu Mei, but of course Wu Mei couldn't do it, so he sued Wu Zhengsi and got a new one.

The red one is Wuyue's, the green one is hers, Wumei rolled his eyes, stood on tiptoe and took the red one, stuffed it in his schoolbag and was about to leave, He Biyun shouted, "What are you doing with your sister's? It's dizzying early in the morning!"

"Wuyue's has meat, mine has no meat, I'll eat with her instead."

Wu Mei is no longer afraid of He Biyun now. He can say whatever he wants. The big deal is a fight. Anyway, he can't suffer a loss, whether it's a clear or a secret one.

As she spoke, she opened both insulation boxes. The red box was covered with shiny braised pork and a golden poached egg. The green box only had a few slices of green vegetables, not to mention meat. No eggs.

Wu Zhengsi said something, but He Biyun didn't dare to resist, so she could only buy back the insulation box, but she did a lot of tricks behind her back. Most of Wuyue's lunch boxes had meat, but they also had poached eggs. Either green vegetables or pickles, the best is fried tofu with pickled vegetables.

After eating for a few days, Wu Mei knew that something was wrong, and only then did she take the wrong lunch box deliberately. He Biyun didn't see her and continued to take it wrong. Let Wu Zhengsi take a good look at it.

Wu Zhengsi looked at the two different meals in front of him, his face sank, his brows furrowed, He Biyun groaned in his heart, and hurriedly said: "It's not that there is not much meat, Yueyue has been studying too hard during this time, I think I asked her to make up, that is, today's visit, she always brought the same thing as before."

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