80s: Little Sweet Wife

Chapter 1190: Miserable Han Boyuan

How much Yan Mingshun respected Zhao Huaishan in the past, how much contempt now. ~~щww~suimеng~lā

He doesn't care whether the Zhao family is defeated or not. What he cares about is Zhao Huaishan's attitude towards Meimei during this period of time. He condone his wife, son and daughter-in-law to plot against his stupid girl. How could he still give this old man a good face?

The old man's face changed slightly, Yan Mingshun's refusal made him very unhappy, but it was absolutely impossible for him to pull down the shelf and ask Yan Mingshun to stay with good words.

Yan Mingshun didn't look at him again, he just nodded and greeted Zhao Yinghua and his wife, Zhao Yingnan and his wife, then smiled and said softly, "I'm leaving, I'll pick you up tomorrow!"


Meimei smiled sweetly, her relationship with Yan Mingshun can be regarded as public!

Zhao Yingyong noticed Yan Mingshun's license plate number, Jing (do not sit in the right number), and his heart skipped a beat.

As far as he knows, license plates like 888 and 999 seem to have been taken away by someone. The big boss is a staunch materialist and doesn't care about these, but two people care a lot.

It was He Lianqing and Ning Chenxuan who were mortal enemies. When the license plate was first implemented, He Lianqing made the first move, and went through the back door to wrap up the license plate numbers. ..

But his niece's fiancé was driving Jing's car, could he be...

Zhao Yingyong looked at Meimei. For the first time, he felt that he couldn't see through this niece!

Everyone went back to the living room and looked at Meimei with a very strange expression. Zhao Yingnan couldn't help but ask: "Meimei, what is the origin of Yan Mingshun? Is it true that Mumu said he was Ming Shao?"

Zhao Yingyong's heart beat again, Master Ming?

It seems that he guessed right, his future niece-in-law is really from Helianqing!

Zhao Yingyong was overwhelmed with ecstasy, Ning Chenxuan was the enemy of the Zhao family, He Lianqing was the mortal enemy of Ning Chenxuan, and the enemy of the enemy was a friend.

It seems that God refuses to kill the Zhao family!

Meimei noticed Zhao Yingyong's frantic eyes and felt uncomfortable, so she said to Zhao Yingnan, "I don't know the specifics, you will know in a few days Auntie."

When the old man heard Yan Mingshun's name, his mind moved, and then he recalled that the man with astonishing momentum, Ganqing, was actually the boy who bought a color TV for his family back then.

I didn't expect that Yan Mingshun had grown up so fast after not seeing each other for three years. The old man came out of the hail of bullets~www.readwn.com~ Naturally, he could see that Yan Mingshun definitely had blood on his hands, and there was still a lot.

Meimei didn't want to be with the Zhao family, so she said that she was tired and wanted to go back to the room to rest. Although the Zhao family had a lot to ask her, they couldn't stop her.

Zhao Xuehai suddenly asked, "Meimei, did Han Boyuan really collude with Ouyang Xiong?"

Meimei looked at him and said calmly, "Of course, fourth brother, if you don't believe it, you can ask Han Boyuan."

Zhao Xuehai looked embarrassed, as if he had something to hide. Zhao Xuegong looked at him sympathetically and said, "Han Boyuan is not very well. He is still living in the hospital. Even if he is cured, he will be useless in the future."

Thinking of the tragic appearance of Han Boyuan that he saw in the hospital yesterday, Zhao Xuegong gasped and looked at his little cousin with admiration.

The lifeblood in the front became a decoration, the chrysanthemum in the back made the dog explode, and the **** was prolapsed. Although it was stitched up, it was not as good as the natural one!

Meimei didn't know about the relationship between Han Boyuan and the dog. Seeing Zhao Xuehai's expression, she immediately became interested, and planned to ask her brother in a while, he must know.

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