80s: Little Sweet Wife

Chapter 1192: Each has his own thoughts

The old man was taken aback and asked anxiously, "Is he really from Helianqing? Did you make a mistake?"

He has the same idea as Zhao Yingyong, the enemy of the enemy is a friend, He Lianqing has always been alone, and he has no way to join forces, but if Yan Mingshun is really Helianqing's person, then...

The old man's eyes lit up, and his back couldn't help straightening. If Helian Qing was willing to help, the Zhao family's revival would be just around the corner. *WwW.suimeng.lā

Zhao Yingyong nodded and said: "It shouldn't be wrong, his license plate belongs to Helianqing, which means that this is Yan Mingshun and has a close relationship with Helianqing. Meimei should be clear, why don't you ask Meimei to come over and ask? "

Zhao Yinghua's scalp tightened, and she interrupted: "What does Meimei know, not even Helianqing is a man or a woman, Yan Mingshun, didn't he know it after a few days!"

Although he thinks that his daughter should know about it, Zhao Yinghua still doesn't want his daughter to be involved in these messy things at home, the girl has to be happy and don't have to worry about it so much!

Zhao Yingyong was dissatisfied with Zhao Yinghua's attitude and opened his mouth to reprimand, but the old man's eyes stopped him. He took a deep look at his younger son and said after a long time, "Little San, we are a family, and we can't write two words for Zhao in one stroke!"

For the first time, Zhao Yinghua felt that his father's words were very harsh. He taught him that unity is strength since he was a child. If the family is united, the family will prosper. But when the second brother and the second sister-in-law and his mother were plotting against his daughter, why didn't his father stop him?

Could it be that the family is just to cheat on his daughter?

"Dad, the second brother and our mother don't treat my daughter as a family." Zhao Yinghua looked at the old man calmly, but there was anger in his eyes.

The old man's expression paused. Since the younger son came back, he has never mentioned the kidnapping of the granddaughter by the old woman and the second son. He thought that the younger son knew righteousness and felt very relieved!

But he didn't expect that Zhao Yinghua brought it up at this time.

What does Zhao Yinghua mean?

The old man was very unhappy. He felt that the majesty of the elders in the family was being challenged.

"Little San, why are you talking to Dad?" Zhao Yingyong shouted angrily.

Zhao Yinghua shrugged and said with a chuckle, "I'm just telling the truth." He turned to look at the old man again, "Dad, you taught me that I couldn't write two characters of Zhao in one stroke since I was a child, but why are they trying to plot against my daughter? , don't you think my daughter is not named Zhao?"

The old man's heart sank, and he had a bad premonition.

All along ~www.readwn.com~ children are under his control and are very obedient, which makes him very satisfied.

But now, the second son was out of his control, which almost caused the Zhao family to fall apart, and the younger son also began to question him.

"What nonsense are you talking about? The Meimei incident is an exception. I didn't know your second brother and your mother would do such a thing. If I knew, how could I stand by?" The old man defended himself, but if he said it, But so pale.

Zhao Yinghua's lips were slightly sarcastic. Since he came back to now, he has always wanted to hear the old man say "sorry" to him, but until now, his father still thinks he is not wrong.

He's so heartbroken!

"I didn't know it the first time, I still didn't know it the second time, and I still didn't know it the third time? Dad, this family is plotting against my daughter again and again. You can't keep saying you don't know, right?"

Zhao Yinghua looked at the old man coldly, and finally said what he always wanted to say. Looking at the ugly face of the old man, Zhao Yinghua felt inexplicably very happy. ..

It's not boring anymore!

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