80s: Little Sweet Wife

Chapter 1199: Do it yourself

Although Huang Yulian could not wait to rush to the stage to kill her eyebrows, she knew that the most important thing at the moment was to correct her daughter's name. The book is a good way to see success. ◢Щщш.suimeng.lā

We must not let Zhao Mei, this little slut, destroy it!

She also pointed out that after her daughter became famous, she raised her eyebrows in front of the dead old woman!

Ouyang Shanshan also noticed something was wrong with everyone in the audience, but she didn't know what was going on. She felt uneasy and looked backstage subconsciously. ..

"What's the matter?" Mr. Ouyang also saw it, and was a little unhappy.

"Dad, it's fine, I'll go out and have a look." Huang Yulian smiled calmly, her mind spinning rapidly, thinking about how to deal with the current problem.

Ouyang Bin knew about hiring the shooter. He gave Huang Yulian a wink and said intentionally, "Shanshan is too famous, so she provokes the villain. Don't be afraid, we are not afraid of shadows."

Huang Yulian understood what he meant, just let her bite to death and refused to admit it. With an old lover behind her, Huang Yulian felt a lot more at ease. With an elegant and noble smile, she walked to the front of the stage, and the panicked Ouyang Shanshan saw her mother. , immediately calmed down.

Mom always has a way to fix anything at any time, and it's certainly no problem today.

Ouyang Shanshan is confident in Huang Yulian!

"Everyone, what was said in the newspaper is completely false. Someone deliberately poured dirty water on my daughter's head. Everyone is a reasonable person, and they will not be easily fooled, right?"

Huang Yulian wore a high hat to everyone at the beginning, plus she was dignified and well-dressed, her voice was soft, and very approachable, many people hesitated, not knowing who to believe.

"Yes, someone must have deliberately slandered the writer Ouyang. There are many people who are popular. We won't believe these vicious villains!"

Someone in the crowd shouted loudly, and the crowd was excited, and soon others followed suit, and the situation took a turn for the worse. Eighty-nine out of ten people chose to believe in Ouyang Shanshan.

Huang Yulian smiled smugly, everything is under her control, the little **** Zhao Mei wants to fight her?

Huh, it's still a little tender!

The scene quickly returned to order, Ouyang Shanshan began to sign and sell books again, Huang Yulian looked down the stage vaguely, Meimei received her eyes, and she grinned with a big smile.

Huang Yulian frowned, still feeling uneasy~www.readwn.com~ She always felt that Zhao Mei was uneasy and kind, could this little **** have any other tricks?

No, we have to find a way to drive Zhao Mei out of the square. Today is a very important day for Shanshan, and no one is allowed to destroy it!

Huang Yulian walked towards the backstage and wanted to discuss with Ouyang Bin how to drive Zhao Mei away. The loud and clear voice from the audience rang out. She couldn't help but stop and her heart pounded.


The little **** made a move!

"Writer Ouyang..." Meimei gritted her tone on the word 'writer', anyone with a discerning eye could hear the sarcasm, and looked at Meimei, wondering what this charming and charming girl was trying to say. .

Huang Yulian gave the host a wink, and the host understood and said with a hurried smile: "This girl, it's time for Ouyang writer to sign and sell books. We don't accept questions. We will have an interactive session in a while. If you have anything, girl. If you have any questions, you can ask later!"

Meimei shrugged her nose, pointed at the bustling people, and said, "After a while, these people have all gone, and there will be no audience for me to ask questions. What's the point!"

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