80s: Little Sweet Wife

Chapter 119: honest body

"Okay, sister, I'll go first!"

Wu Mei Zhengchou couldn't get rid of Wu Yue. Hearing this, she jumped on Xiong Mumu's back seat happily and waved at Wu Yue, who had an ugly face.

Xiong Mumu's riding skills were the same as before, like a snake, crooked, and Wu Mei nervously grabbed the back seat, ready to jump at any time.

"How about I take you?"

Wu Mei couldn't bear it anymore, and put forward a more suitable suggestion. According to Xiong Mumu's riding method, even if the car didn't hit him, he could take the initiative to hit him. The parents of the Xiong family are really big-hearted!

"Can you ride?"

Xiong Mumu looked at Wu Mei contemptuously, even this three-inch nail-like body was not taller than a car!

"You'll know if you can try riding it. Come down and I'll show you the ride."

Wu Mei jumped out of the car confidently, if she really couldn't ride a 28 bar car like Yan Mingshun, but Xiong Mumu was a women's car, so she could still handle it.

Xiong Mumu got off the car half-believingly, and handed the car over to Wu Mei. Wu Mei first slid about ten meters, then lightly lifted his legs and got on the car. He rode steadily, a hundred times stronger than Xiong Mumu's snake.

"Come up, you'll be late soon."

Wu Mei greeted loudly, and the dumbfounded Xiong Mumu came to her senses. He trotted after him and asked, "Can you move me? I'm very heavy."

"Aiya, why are you so fussing? If I don't come up, I'll leave first!" Wu Mei became impatient.

Xiong Mumu touched her nose and stepped up with her long legs. The bridle was crooked. Wu Mei hurriedly grasped the bridle and stabilized the car. It was not affected, and she still rode steadily.

"I really can't tell. You're pretty slippery if you're not good at reading." Xiong Mumu praised him generously, with envy on his face. He's been learning for half a month, and he still shakes a lot while riding, and his balance is too bad. .

Wu Mei snorted arrogantly and said, "Anyway, he's better than you!"

Their peculiar combination attracted countless eyes on the campus. The petite Lingling's little beauty was riding a bicycle in the front, while the tall and tall boy was sitting in the back. No matter how you looked at it, it was not so harmonious.

"Haha, brother, look at Xiong Mumu, he actually let Meimei take him, where is his face!" Yan Mingda pointed to Wumei's side and laughed with contempt.

Yan Mingshun looked at Wu Mei. The beautiful girl was bathed in the morning light, with a golden halo on her body and hair, and the fur on her face was clearly visible under his 2.5 vision.

The little girl is quite good at riding a bicycle. She can be carried by a person so big, and she seems to be in a good mood and is much more cheerful. Is it because she has new friends?

Yan Mingshun inexplicably felt a little sour in his heart. He couldn't tell the feeling, as if something that originally belonged to him was now taken away by others. No, it should be said that he gave it away himself.

Last night, Wu's red eyes appeared countless times in his dreams, and his thoughts seemed to be split in two, one part was supporting him, the other was condemning him.

The two halves were arguing all night, and in the end which one had the upper hand, he didn't know. The first time he lost sleep, and now his temples are aching.

But now Yan Mingshun knew the answer. When he saw Wu Mei and Xiong Mumu riding to school together, he finally understood.

He didn't want to lose the little girl Wu Mei, he also wanted to explain the topic for her, and also wanted to see her tangled and confused, silly and cute.

Yan Mingshun clarified his thoughts, and his mood became happy. The pain in his temples disappeared. The corners of Yan Mingshun's lips rose slightly. It seemed that his body was the most honest.

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