80s: Little Sweet Wife

Chapter 1206: Walk the way for heaven

Meimei put away the book, looked at the embarrassed Huang Yulian mother and daughter mockingly, and sneered: "What else do you want to say now? Can you give us an explanation for so many people? Is this book really Ouyang Shan? Shan wrote it?"

"I wrote it...that's what I wrote..."

Ouyang Shanshan kept her mouth shut. Although she was not smart, she also knew that there were a lot of reporters here today, and she absolutely could not admit it in public. ◢щЩш.suimEnG.1a

But is it up to her?

"You said it was you who wrote it? Ouyang Shanshan, you are so stupid and naive, you can't even tell whether the articles were written by yourself, how dare you say that these articles are written by you? Or Do you think we are all fools?"

Meimei accused mercilessly, without saving any face.

"Ouyang Shanshan, you have no ability, but relying on the power of your Ouyang family, you coerced and lured those unwilling writers to be gunmen for you, fooling the people of the whole country, and wanting to get something for nothing, stealing the fruits of other people's labor and adding to your own. Glory and honor, do you still have shame?"

Meimei scolded Ouyang Shanshan to the point of **** head, without panting, many people in the audience applauded and applauded like a tide.

Ouyang Shanshan was ashamed and ashamed, she just wanted to find a seam to get in.

How beautiful she was before, but now she feels how embarrassing. The applause from the audience was like flying knives, and every sound stuck in her heart.

Huang Yulian was much more calm, she pinched Ouyang Shanshan tightly, and was very disappointed with her daughter's performance. It was not the last step yet, how could she easily admit defeat?

"Zhao Mei, did you do this newspaper?" Huang Yulian asked.

Meimei glanced at Ouyang Shanshan, whose head was hanging on her chest next to Huang Yulian, and shrugged, without denying it, "Yes, I specially prepared this for your daughter's signing party. Are you surprised?"

Even if she doesn't admit it, Huang Yulian also believes that she did it, so it is better to admit it directly and get mad at Huang Yulian, the old white lotus!

Huang Yulian was really angry, her face was ashen, and her eyes were more sinister, but her eyebrows were not afraid at all, and she even smiled even more proudly.

"Zhao Mei, why do you have to fight against Shanshan? She has no enmity with you!" Huang Yulian asked.

Mei Mei sneered and looked at Huang Yulian contemptuously, how could she ask such a mentally retarded question?

"I'm doing things for the sky, I don't care about personal grievances!" Meimei's face was righteous, and Huang Yulian was even more angry, and she just wished she could slap this little **** a few big ears.

The more angry Huang Yulian is, the happier her brows are, and the deeper the smile on her face, but today's goal has been achieved, so she won't waste time on this girl!

With this flight time, she might as well accompany brother Ming Shun to talk!

By the way, let's talk!

"It took so much time for everyone today~www.readwn.com~ but fortunately things have come to a conclusion, I believe everyone understands now..."

When Meimei said this, she paused for half a second. The crow flew over Huang Yulian's head. She seemed to have a premonition that what Meimei was going to say next would definitely not be a good thing. She rushed over desperately, trying to steal Meimei. Horn in hand.

The corners of her brows and lips were slightly curved, and she raised her eyebrows proudly at Huang Yulian, her body flashed dexterously, and her speech speeded up, "The conclusion is that what the newspaper says is true, this so-called famous national writer Ouyang Shanshan. , In fact, it is a fake and shoddy product, and it is also a habitual thief!"

Ouyang Shanshan's eyes darkened and she finally fainted.

Huang Yulian's face was pale, and she firmly supported her daughter, so as not to lose her appearance today!

Done! ..

All her hard work is over!

Zhao Mei, you are courting death!

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