80s: Little Sweet Wife

Chapter 1210: Knowing the face without knowing the heart

Yan Mingshun nodded, "Please, even Ning Chenxuan and Heliance invited him. <щww.suimeng.lā"

Tomorrow is a good day for Helianqing to banquet celebrities in Kyoto.

He Lianqing, who had been silent for more than ten years, suddenly posted a heroic post, which was even more eye-catching than Huang Yulian's reunion with her old lover. The whole city was boiling, but more people were uneasy.

They don't know what Helianqing wants to do?

After all, this is a dangerous creature that is more troublesome than nuclear weapons!

When Meimei heard that Heliance was invited, her eyes widened, "He's crazy? Aren't you afraid that these two bad guys will do bad things tomorrow?"

Yan Mingshun lightly pecked the girl's lips and comforted: "Don't be afraid, the big boss will also go tomorrow, Ning Chenxuan will only be better than Huang Qiuer."

Even if Ning Chenxuan wanted to replace the big boss again, he had to show loyalty on the bright side. Even if anyone wanted to harm the big boss, he would definitely be the one who shouted at the thief the most.

Meimei didn't ask any further, she didn't understand these things, and she couldn't help if she asked, and she believed in Yan Mingshun, he said that if there was no problem, it would be no problem.

The two stayed warm for a while, then packed up and headed home.

Tomorrow, the farm will prepare a feast for the guests. Yan Mingshun is the young master of the farm, and Helianqing is a hands-off shopkeeper. Everything is on Yan Mingshun's head. Today's date is still the time Yan Mingshun squeezed out of his busy schedule. .

Yan Mingshun sent Meimei back to Zhao's house. It was already evening, and Zhao Yingyong had already returned. He was transferred to an idle job and had nothing to do every day. It didn't matter whether he was off work or not.

Zhao Yinghua returned to Tianjin a few days ago. He was really busy. Seeing that the old lady would not return to the west for a while, he went back to deal with business affairs.

Zhao Yingyong saw Yan Mingshun leaving the car, his face became gloomy, he ignored him, and Gu Zi went upstairs.

She doesn't owe the Zhao family, why should she look at the Zhao family's face?

"Meimei, go see grandma." Zhao Yingyong said.

Meimei's footsteps paused, but did not refute him. She walked down the stairs and went to the old lady's room. The old lady was lying on the bed half-dead, only the ticking of the machine beside her.

The smell in the room was not good. Yan Xinya and An Yafang took care of the old lady and Zhao Yingnan in the room. ..

He frowned, looked at the old lady, and walked out of the room, less than two minutes later.

"It came out so soon? You and your grandma have a few words~www.readwn.com~ Maybe your milk will get better." Zhao Yingyong was very dissatisfied, with accusation in his tone.

Yan Xinya hurriedly said, "The old lady can't hear anything now. What's the use of Meimei talking to her?"

Zhao Yingyong was very unhappy, of course it wasn't because he didn't talk to the old lady, he just felt very irritable, inexplicably irritable, and wanted to toss and toss his niece.

"Even if my mother can't hear it, she can definitely feel that Meimei is her granddaughter, and this is the time when she shows her filial piety. She runs out every day without being seen, and when she comes back, she doesn't serve my mother. What does it look like?" Zhao Heroic borrowing to play.

Yan Xinya held down her brows that she wanted to refute, and looked at Zhao Yingyong mockingly.

She used to think that this third uncle was the most decent, but now it seems that he is the same as Zhao Yingying, there is no difference.

"You keep saying that my family is not filial, but what about yourself? When have you been filial?" Yan Xinya didn't give in.

No one wants to bully her daughter!

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