80s: Little Sweet Wife

Chapter 1256: Suspect

Back in the room, Mei Shuhan didn't turn on the light. At this moment, he prefers darkness. ? www.suimeng.lā

He couldn't help but took out a cigarette from the drawer. He didn't like smoking, nor did he like others smoking in front of him, but now, he really wanted to smoke one.

He needs to calm down!

The bitter and spicy tobacco taste dilutes his heartache. Looking at the flashing red light in the dark, Mei Shuhan slowly calmed down, recalling the bits and pieces of his and Meimei's understanding until now, as well as those in his dreams. those fragments.

Something seemed to float in his mind, but Mei Shuhan couldn't catch it. He sighed angrily, lit a cigarette again, and his thoughts became clear again.

Mei Shuhan's eyes lit up, no...

Very wrong!

Why didn't he think of it earlier?

The difference between the eyebrows and the eyebrows in the dream is too big, and the characters are completely different. No, it should be said that the difference between the front and the back is too big.

In the dream, Meimei was timid, cowardly and inferior, without any assertiveness, just like when Meimei was a child, to be precise, it was the same as before the age of twelve.

But now Meimei is fiery, confident, assertive, and radiant. If it weren't for her appearance as a child, he would have wondered if Meimei had changed.

The most important thing is that although Meimei ignored him when she was a child, it was because she was timid. She did this to everyone. It wasn't that she didn't want to ignore him, but she was shy and inferior.

But now...

Meimei became bold, but she still didn't want to pay attention to him, and even was a little annoyed at him. Several times he found the deep disgust and alienation in Meimei's eyes.

It is understandable to be alienated from him, after all, he has never been too close to Meimei.

What's with disgust?

He asked himself that he had never done anything to hurt Meimei, why did he make Meimei disgusted?

There was a slight pain in the temple, Mei Shuhan hurriedly pressed it, took out the balsamic oil from the drawer and wiped it. He was refreshed, he continued to think, he had to figure it out today, otherwise he would not want to sleep.

Mei Shuhan turned on the light, took out a piece of paper and a pen, and wrote down all doubts and changes in his eyebrows.

This is a method he got in his dream. When he can't understand something, he will write down all the connections that he can think of with this thing, and analyze them one by one. may be the real answer.

He kept making circles and crosses on the paper, the paper was messy, he changed another sheet of paper, and re-written what was left after the exclusion.

The character has changed a lot—beautiful—become excellent...

Wu Yue has also changed - very good in the dream - now it is very miserable - Mei Mei's surname has changed...


Mei Shuhan's expression froze~www.readwn.com~ He found out that something was wrong, Wu Yue's change happened after the transformation of Meimei, and Meimei seemed to be called Wumei in the dream, which was her previous name, and Meimei dreamed Li Guan Wuyue has always called her sister.

It means that Meimei in the dream did not recognize Zhao Yinghua and his wife, she has been living in the Wu family.

And Meimei in the dream likes him. Although Meimei is timid and doesn’t like to talk, every time he comes home, Meimei will be very happy and cook a lot of delicious food in person. If he says which dish is good Eat, Meimei will be happy like a child, happy for several days.

Thinking of the eyebrows that were timid than the rabbit in the dream, Mei Shuhan's heart softened, and the corners of her lips rose slightly.

He suddenly realized that he actually liked the eyebrows in his dream, not the confident and bright Zhao Mei now.

Although they look exactly the same, their personalities are completely different.

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