80s: Little Sweet Wife

Chapter 1291: Yan Mingshun is back

"Ming Shao, the young lady finally appeared in the cave of Phoenix Mountain. I found a rut at the foot of the mountain and drove in the direction of Chengxiao. We are now looking for it. ◢щЩш.suimEnG.1a"

Brother Hu led the people to search the mountain, and found the rut marks of the van at the foot of the mountain. He concluded that the Meimei mother and daughter were taken away, but the city of Tianjin is so big and crowded with people. Hard to find people.

But he had no choice but to call Yan Mingshun, and he couldn't hide it.

Moreover, he also needs Yan Mingshun's manpower support, otherwise, if the eyebrows drag on for a while, it will be more dangerous.

Yan Mingshun clenched his fists tightly. He just got on the phone with Meimei a few days ago, but now he tells him that his little princess has been kidnapped?

And the other party is He Biyun, who has blood on his hands and is unconscious!

His heart raised in his throat, worried that He Biyun would be detrimental to the brows. He didn't know how cruel this woman's heart was.

Yan Mingshun quickly reported a series of numbers, "You go to contact this person, he will help you find someone, and I will come back as soon as possible."

He hung up the phone decisively, and shouted to the resting men: "All gathering, Luo Hua is out, I will appoint you as the temporary captain, and bring the brothers back to the capital to recover."

"team leader?"

The players were all stunned, not understanding what happened to Yan Mingshun.

Yan Mingshun didn't explain too much, the mission has been completed, it doesn't matter whether he is in the team or not, but Meimei needs him, he must go back, even if he is punished by Helianqing, he will admit it.

Heliance also got a reply from his subordinates. He has been accompanying Mei Shuhan in the hospital. When his subordinates came to return to life, Mei Shuhan naturally heard it. When he heard that something happened to the eyebrows, Mei Shuhan's pale face Even more bloodless.

"It's all you... If something happens to Zhao Mei, I can't forgive myself for the rest of my life... I can't live anymore!"

Mei Shuhan blamed himself very much. He felt that he had hurt Meimei. In Mengli, Meimei didn't know why she died tragically. Now, because of him, she was in danger and her life and death were unknown.

Is he the scourge of eyebrows?

As long as you have a relationship with him, Meimei will not end well.

Heliance's heart was very sad, if he normally would have been furious, but now that Mei Shuhan had just picked up his hand, and with such a fierce temper, Heliance was really worried that Mei Shuhan would strike again.

This can be regarded as Mei Shuhan's crooked fight~www.readwn.com~ He used to follow Heliance everywhere. Although Heliance liked him, he didn't care too much about his mood, but this time, Mei Shu Han became ruthless, but he subdued Heliance. Since then, he has been obedient in front of Mei Shuhan.

"Don't be angry, I'll send someone to find Zhao Mei."

Heliance coaxed in a good voice, thinking that he was a dignified young master, and he was put in such a big way by a stupid woman, he felt so aggrieved, even if Mei Shuhan didn't make trouble, he would find He Biyun slowly. Torture is the only way to get out of this bad breath.

"Go find them yourself, those people are not as powerful as you... I don't need you to guard me here, go and find them back!"

Mei Shuhan's words made Heliance feel very sympathetic, but isn't he the most powerful!

"Okay, I'm going to find someone..."

Not long after arriving at the factory, Meimei woke up, Wu Yue was still there, talking to He Biyun, Yan Xinya also woke up at the moment, and let out a moan, which alarmed the mother and daughter of He Biyun.

"Mom... these two **** are awake, you can vent your anger!" Wu Yue said coldly.

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