80s: Little Sweet Wife

Chapter 130: back on track

"It's time to eat!" Papa Bear shouted from outside the house.

The dinner at Xiong's house is very rich, with boiled prawns, pork ribs with garlic, fish-flavored eggplant, shredded green peppers, fried water spinach with garlic, winter melon and shrimp skin soup. Must be delicious.

"Meimei, sit down and eat, we want to wipe out all these dishes." Zhao Yingnan dragged Wumei and sat down, holding a big prawn for her.

"Thank you Aunt Zhao, this prawn is really big." Wu Mei whispered thanks.

Zhao Yingnan is happy when he sees Wu Mei, not only because she is his son's first friend, but also because of Wu Mei's aura, which is in perfect harmony with her. Probably this is the fate of the eyes!

"Eat it quickly, your Uncle Bear's craftsmanship is better than that of the chef." Zhao Yingnan said with a smile, and then he took another prawn for Xiong Mumu, and then to Daddy Bear, and then he ate it with relish.

Xiong Mumu joked while peeling the shrimp: "Mom, you still haven't said a word, the reason why you married my dad was because you liked his cooking skills, otherwise I would have gotten out of my belly. "

"Poor mouth!"

Zhao Yingnan glared at his son angrily, and was amused by himself, he couldn't stop laughing.

Wu Mei slowly peeled off the shrimp, first removed the shrimp head, then peeled off the shell, leaving only the tail of the shrimp. He dipped in the seasoning with his hands, and then put it into his mouth to chew slowly, extremely elegant, Zhao Yingnan vs Wu Mei's joy was even greater, and she kept adding vegetables to her.

The atmosphere in Xiong's house is very relaxed. Parents and children are just like friends. They talk casually, and they can discuss school matters together. Zhao Yingnan even jokes about his son, which is different from her usual coldness at all. .

Under the infection of Xiong's family, Wu Mei's sense of restraint has long since disappeared, and occasionally he will interject a few words, which is even happier than eating at home.

"Thank you Uncle Xiong and Aunt Zhao for their hospitality, I'm going home."

After the meal, Wu Mei said goodbye to the Xiong family, with a happy smile on her face. Just now Xiong Mumu told her about her painting lessons. Father Xiong was still a little hesitant, but Zhao Yingnan agreed without saying a word and agreed to replace her. Wu Mei kept it a secret and let her put one hundred and twenty hearts.

"I'll come to play often in the future. I'll make your Uncle Bear make delicious food." Zhao Yingnan didn't feel relentless when he assigned her husband.

"I'll come, Uncle Bear and Aunt Zhao Mumu, goodbye!"

Wu Mei waved at them and walked downstairs, preparing to go home.

Father Xiong didn't agree with helping Wu Mei to deceive parents, Zhen Mei said, "It's not good for us to lie to our children, Ying Nan, you were too hasty just now."

"What's wrong? Sometimes white lies can make life more beautiful, and she doesn't do bad things. She just wants to learn to draw. Why don't we help if the child is motivated?" Zhao Yingnan glared at her husband.

Xiong Mumu also said: "Dad, you have to learn from your mother. We are helping future beautiful painters, right? Meimei's painting talent is very high. Teacher He likes her very much, but her parents are both Old antique, you are not at all enlightened."

Zhao Yingnan raised his chin proudly: "That's right, it's your great luck that you can get out of my belly. If you meet Wumei's parents, let's see if you can still have a happy life. ?"

"Oh, I have to go and say goodbye to God, I'm lucky I didn't send me to the wrong place!"

Xiong Mumu bowed to the sky a few times in a funny way, and made an exaggerated grimace. Both Papa Bear and Zhao Yingnan were made to laugh and looked at each other with relief. God bless, their son is back on track!

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