80s: Little Sweet Wife

Chapter 133: ask for praise

Wu Mei forced herself to calm down and finish her homework, and then hurried out, Wu Yue stopped her: "Why are you going out again?"

"none of your business?"

Wu Mei replied coldly, ran out without looking at her, and shouted to Wu Zhengsi in the back room, "Dad, I've done my homework, and I'm going to the back playground for a run."

"What kind of steps are you going to run? You don't know how to work at home when you have time?" He Biyun stuck her head out of the bathroom, her hands full of foam.

"My clothes are all washed by myself. The teacher said that I have to exercise regularly to have better energy to study." Wu Mei replied calmly.

Wu Zhengsi walked out, "Go, come back after two laps, be careful."

"Okay, goodbye Dad!" Wu Mei waved at Wu Zhengsi.

After Wu Mei left, Wu Zhengsi glanced at He Biyun displeasedly, and went back to the room with his hands behind his back. He Biyun rubbed his clothes angrily, feeling very distressed about her hands. During this time, he was busy and busy, and the housework was a lot more than before. More than twice, the hands are getting thicker and thicker.

"Qiuqiu, where are you? Come home with my sister!"

Wu Mei called out to the little squirrel in a low voice, worried that it would encounter a stray cat, and also worried that it would go home on its own, and looked very anxious.

Yan Mingshun jumped off the parallel bars, and the little girl finally came to look for it. A white shadow jumped down from the tree and ran towards Wumei. Yan Mingshun smiled slyly, and jumped up very quickly, like lightning. , caught the little squirrel back.


Qiuqiu kept struggling in Yan Mingshun's arms, Yan Mingshun patted its head lightly, "Don't worry, I'll take you to find her."

As if he could understand Yan Mingshun's words, the little guy quickly calmed down and lay down obediently. Yan Mingshun smiled with satisfaction and walked towards Wumei with the ball in his arms.

"Are you looking for a ball?"

Wu Mei, who was about to cry in a hurry, heard the voice behind him, turned around quickly, but saw the little guy in Yan Mingshun's arms, and cried out in surprise.

"Qiuqiu, it's great that you're fine, that's great!"

Qiu Qiu jumped into her arms, Wu Mei hugged the little guy tightly, and kissed several times in a row, with the ecstasy of what was lost and found.

"The little thing is probably hungry. I fed it a walnut just now, thinking that you should be in a hurry, so I brought it here to find you." Yan Mingshun said lightly.

Wu Mei said gratefully, "Thank you Ming Shun, I thought Qiuqiu was eaten by a wild cat, and I was dying of anxiety."

Qiuqiu barked in dissatisfaction, the wild cat Shenma was so weak, it wasn't even afraid of poisonous snakes, how could it be afraid of wild cats?

And this male actually lied to the hostess, obviously he found pine cones to eat, where did he get the walnuts?

Yan Mingshun smiled and said, "No thanks, have you done your homework?"

Wu Mei nodded: "It's done, Brother Ming Shun, my composition got a five-star plus, and the teacher even read it aloud as a fan!"

Yan Mingshun looked at the girl with bright eyes and a face begging for praise, he couldn't help laughing and praised: "It's amazing, what composition did you write?"

"It was the last time we went to Phoenix Mountain for a picnic. I wrote about the fight between Qiuqiu and the big snake. The teacher said that I wrote it very realistically. My father also praised me and rewarded me with a new pair of sneakers."

Wu Mei, like a real girl, is eager to tell everyone she wants to tell about her good grades. She desperately wants to be recognized!

"Mr. Wu must be very happy, right?"

"Well, my father is very happy, but my mother is not happy, my sister is not happy, and I don't care anymore." Wu Mei was actually a little aggrieved, which naturally showed in front of Yan Mingshun.

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