80s: Little Sweet Wife

Chapter 137: I'm crazy, be careful

In the first head-to-head confrontation with He Biyun, Wu Mei won. He Biyun picked up the feather duster for the first time and didn't hit anyone, even though she wanted to kill Wu Mei.

Wu Mei gave her a cold look, walked calmly to the front of the cabinet, picked up a cup, and went back to his room. Behind him, He Biyun gritted his teeth, and threw the feather duster on the cabinet with a bang.

Wu Yue witnessed this war without the smoke of gunpowder. Her inner shock was no less than He Biyun. Wu Mei, who didn't even dare to speak loudly in less than a month, was now able to say such cruel words.

It's like changing a person!

"Meimei, how can you treat your mother like that? You are so unfilial!" Wu Yue reprimanded.

"Then go and be filial. Anyway, the two of you are deeply in love with each other."

Wu Mei walked straight to his room, turned around halfway through, and said coldly, "Don't worry about my business in the future, you go on your Yangguan Avenue, which way I go has nothing to do with you, Don't pretend to be sisters in front of me, I'm disgusting!"

"Wu Mei, you're crazy!" Wu Yue stared at Wu Mei in disbelief, with a look of astonishment.

"I'm crazy, so you have to be careful. It's not illegal for a lunatic to kill someone."

Wu Mei smiled strangely and took a choking posture. Wu Yue was so frightened that she stepped back several steps, her neck shivering with chills.

Wasn't it a nightmare before?

Is Wu Mei really pinching her?


Wu Mei, she is crazy!

Wu Yue didn't dare to say a word, cold sweat dripped from her back, and she watched Wu Mei enter the room, her body getting colder and colder.

Wu Mei wanted to kill her, she wanted to tell her mother that she would not live in the same room with Wu Mei anymore!

Hearing Wu Yue running out the door, Wu Mei curled her lips proudly. Didn't you say she was mentally ill in her previous life? Then she will simply be a lunatic for you to see!

"Qiuqiu eats melon seeds!"

Wu Mei put the melon seeds in the box and let Qiuqiu eat by herself. She began to review tomorrow's lessons. Since she had boasted 60 points in front of Yan Mingshun, she couldn't go back on her promise.

After a while, Wu Yue came back with trembling heart, very depressed, He Biyun didn't believe her words, she was still angry, and she was not as patient with Wu Yue as before, she only said that she thought too much.

In the middle of the night, the moonlight slanted into the room, and it was all white. Wumei opened his eyes, covered his hair, got up and walked towards Wuyue's bed. Since they are all crazy, naturally they have to do something even crazier!

Wu Yue's body was covered with a layer of bright moonlight, like a white gauze, but she looked a little more beautiful than in the daytime. Wu Mei smiled coldly, and reached for her neck with both hands. This time, she did not stop on the surface. The face is touching Wu Yue's skin.

Wu Yue, who had not slept very well, was quickly awakened by the coolness on her neck. She opened her eyes and saw Wu Mei with disheveled hair, with a strange smile on her face, and her hands were pinched around her neck.


Wu Yue screamed in surprise, pushed Wu Mei aside, and ran out in despair.

Wu Mei smiled smugly, and quickly went back to her bed, covered with a blanket and fell asleep. After a while, Wu Zhengsi and He Biyun rushed in. Wu Yue was next to He Biyun, and she looked rather frightened.

"Mei Mei slept well, how could she pinch you? Yueyue, you've had a nightmare."

Wu Zhengsi didn't believe Wu Yue's words at all. The younger daughter wanted to strangle the eldest daughter. How could this be possible?

Now that he saw Wu Mei's sleeping appearance, he didn't believe it anymore, and he was also dissatisfied with Wu Yue. How could he have such a nightmare?

I have thoughts every day and dreams at night. It seems that the eldest daughter's thoughts are very problematic. It is necessary to have a heart-to-heart talk with the eldest daughter.

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