80s: Little Sweet Wife

Chapter 1393: My brother is a homeless

The road from the hotel to the dormitory is really too short, and it will be there in a few minutes. Xianna and Ren Qianqian can't help but sigh regretfully. We haven't even started talking yet, so why are we here!

"Meimei, don't forget grandpa's birthday next month. <щww.suimeng.lā" Zhao Xueer reminded him when he got off the bus.

"I know, my gifts are all ready, I won't forget them, third brother, go back quickly." Meimei was a little guilty, but she had forgotten it long ago, but Yan Xinya had asked her before she came, and the gift was also Yan Xinya prepare.

Zhao Xueer smiled contentedly, got into the car halfway, and roared out again: "Don't forget to wear the clothes and jewelry I gave you, those are the latest models, I will go to Hong Kong in a few days, and buy them for you. ."

"No, I have too many clothes to count, where can I wear them? Oh, third brother, don't be long-winded, hurry up and go!"

Meimei pushed him helplessly, stuffed him into the car, and closed the door on his own initiative, telling him to get out of the way, didn't he see the eyes of the two girls beside him glowing green!

Zhao Xueer touched his nose angrily, started the car and drove away, slowly driving a few meters, and then stuck his head out of the car window and shouted, "I asked the secretary to give you pocket money yesterday, which is the New Year's card I gave you. , you remember to take it out and use it, and the third brother will call you after you use it up."

Meimei didn't know whether to laugh or cry, Huo Dadi echoed, and Zhao Xue and then left contentedly.

Over the years, the most important way for him to communicate with his little cousin is this pocket money card!

Ren Qianqian looked at the back of the luxury car enviously, and couldn't help but say, "Zhao Mei, your brother is so kind to you!"

She also really wants a cousin who is rich, generous and handsome!

It's a pity that her cousins ​​are all robbers and bandits. Seeing that her father has no sons, their eyes are fixed on her family's property, and they all regard her as a thorn in their eyes. Can choke to death!

Meimei smiled, "It's okay, it's not formal at all."

She turned around and walked towards the dormitory, and Xianna approached diligently, "What does your brother do, Zhao Mei? How old is he?"

"The homeless person is not young." Meimei said deliberately.

Xianna choked and said deliberately, "How can an unemployed person drive such a good car? Your brother's car costs at least several hundred thousand, right?"

"The car belongs to his friend, and my brother borrowed it to show off. In fact, he is so poor." Meimei smiled and drove rotten peach blossoms for his third brother. Seeing that Xianna's smile was frozen, she happily trotted upstairs.

Just like Anna, still want to be her third sister-in-law?

I would rather choose Qian Qian than her!

Of course, this is only one of two choices. Speaking of which, she is more inclined to Xiao Xiang, her cousin, who is bleak. It's just that this girl also gave up her mind. In order to fight for her parents, she went to study in the UK~www.readwn. com~ also said that he would not return to China until he got a Ph.D. ..

Alas, it seems that her third brother still has to be a bachelor for a few years!

Ren Qianqian glanced at Anna gloatingly, and took back her thoughts about Zhao Xueer in time.

She doesn't want Peach Blossom, she just wants Jinshan.

If it's a big deal, I'll recruit my son-in-law to come to the door and guard the company for her father!

Everyone was in the dormitory, and Meimei took out the kebabs she had just specially bought. She only wanted to invite him, but if it was not good to invite only one person, she had to let everyone eat it.

"Oh, Meimei, you're so nice, I'm craving barbecue!" Qi Qige took a skewer of barbecue and ate it with relish. Although the taste was not very authentic, it was more than nothing.

Tang Manli also took the skewer and ate it politely. Although her stomach was already full, she would never quit doing something that was profitable.

Qiqi looked at the cheeky Tang Manli with disdain, just said bad things about Meimei, and now she is still buying things, how can she be so shameless!

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