80s: Little Sweet Wife

Chapter 140: Wu Yue's body odor

Xiong Mumu also went downstairs, and was about to greet Wu Mei when another gust of wind blew by. Xiong Mumu hurriedly covered her nose and searched for the source of the odor. The target finally locked on Wu Yue, who was unaware.

"What's the matter? Does Wu Yue have body odor?" Xiong Mumu asked in a low voice.

Wu Mei shook his head blankly: "She didn't have body odor before."

Don't say that he didn't have it before, even Wuyue has never been in his previous life. How could he suddenly have it in this life?

Xiong Mumu said clearly: "The body odor is not something that is born, it doesn't exist when I was young, and it will be exposed once it develops. Isn't Wu Yue already developed, and this body odor will naturally follow. Well, tsk tsk, it's really not coming, it's amazing!"

Look at this stench, it's even more stinky than the 10,000-year-old thatched pit!

Xiong Mumu silently sympathized with Wu Yue's classmates for three seconds, secretly glad that he and Wu Yue were not in the same class, thank the Lord, Amen!

Wu Mei blushed, talking about growth in front of her was really annoying!

But how could Wu Yue have body odor?

Obviously it shouldn't be!

Wu Mei was puzzled, she really couldn't figure it out, and she didn't bother to bother. Wu Yue's body odor is actually a good thing, but now there is no laser deodorization technique, Wu Yue has been suffering for at least ten years!

Haha, my God is awesome!

The sun shone on Wu Yue's head, and the golden sunlight enveloped the flower-like girl. It should have been a very beautiful morning scene, but—

Many people who passed by Wu Yue covered their noses and avoided it, looking at Wu Yue with regret on her face. She was a pretty girl, but she had such a serious body odor, alas!

Wu Yue herself couldn't smell it at all, because she was not in good spirits, and she didn't notice the strangeness of the pedestrians around her. She just walked forward with her head sullen, holding back her heart, hoping that the monthly exam would come soon.


Yan Mingda ran over happily, and also followed Yan Mingshun beside him. Yan Mingshun looked behind Wu Yue, but saw Wu Mei riding a bicycle with Xiong Mumu over. Judging by her posture, it was quite similar to riding.

It's just that the guy behind the little girl is not too pleasing to the eye!

"Good morning, Ming Shun!" Wu Mei tapped her toes and greeted with a smile.

Xiong Mumu just nodded slightly, without even a smile, Yan Mingshun glanced at him lightly, and said softly: "Meimei should let Mumu take you, your foot injury is not yet healed!"

Yan Mingshun looked at Wu Mei's calf, and Xiong Mumu remembered that, Wu Mei's leg was injured, and he felt uncomfortable. He jumped down and said, "You sit in the back, I'll ride."

Wu Mei said angrily, "You can't even ride an empty car, so how can you bring someone? I don't want to crash."

Yan Mingshun raised his eyebrows, his voice calm: "It turns out that Mumu can't ride a bicycle, no wonder!"

"Who can't ride a bike? Don't talk nonsense!"

Xiong Mumu roared with his neck stuck in the neck~www.readwn.com~ with a flushed face, grabbed the car and rode on it, swayed forward, and turned around and shouted at Wumei: "Come up!"

Wu Mei shook her head decisively, she was finally reborn, so don't seek death!


Xiong Mumu fell into the flower bed in a flash, grinning, Wu Mei hurriedly ran over to help her up, and complained, "If you don't know how to ride a bike, you must be brave, you deserve it!"

"Should I take you?" Shen Jiao suggested.

"do not want!"


Xiong Mumu held the bicycle, Wu Mei sat in the back seat of the car, and the two walked forward in a car, Wu Mei couldn't help rolling his eyes while sitting in the back seat, Yan Mingshun's lips were slightly raised, and he was in a good mood. Eight zero sweet wife

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