80s: Little Sweet Wife

Chapter 142: Rapid progress

Wu Mei entered the classroom happily. Today is Saturday. She only needs to have half a day of classes and she can go to school. Then she can go to learn painting next week. Her life will definitely be colorful!

Zhen Wanwan said in a low voice, "Today, the math test paper from the day before yesterday will definitely be distributed. Hey, I didn't pass the test at all."

Wu Mei's heart froze, and she was looking forward to it and was afraid. She felt very good in this math test. She had done many questions, and the answers were the same as Wu Chao. As long as the steps are correct, those scores should be is available.

But she is afraid that her grades will be as bad as before. In all courses, what she fears most is mathematics. From the first grade of elementary school to now, the best mathematics test has only scored more than 40 points, and she has never scored 60 points. .

She didn't even dare to expect to get 60 points, she really suffered too many blows!

"Mei Mei, how did you do in the test? Can you pass?" Zhen Wanwan asked intentionally.

Wu Mei felt uncomfortable hearing this kind of words, although she herself was worried that she would fail, but she didn't like other people's questions, especially Zhen Wanwan.

"I don't know, what about you? Can you pass?" Wu Mei asked back.

Zhen Wanwan said displeased: "Of course I can pass, I've never failed math."

Wu Mei smiled lightly, took out the Chinese book from her schoolbag and started reading in the morning. She was sure to get 25 points or more in the composition score of 30 points in the Chinese test, and the remaining 70 points in the basic score, she As long as you work hard for thirty-five points, sixty points will be fine.

If she can memorize more knowledge, maybe she can take more exams. Wu Mei suddenly felt that this is not impossible. If someone reads it once, but if she reads it ten times or twenty times, she can always remember some. !

Zhen Wanwan looked at Wu Mei, who was studying hard, and was full of disgust. Why did this fool suddenly work so hard?

It's really not pleasing to the eye at all!

The second session was math class. The math teacher, surnamed Xu, was a thin man in his forties. He spoke slowly, but he did a good job in class and brought many outstanding students.

"I have already corrected the math test this time, and the results are not very satisfactory. There are only two full marks, thirteen above 90, and nine below 60. Many students have not recovered their hearts, and they have taken a big step back. This section I will explain this test paper in class, you should listen carefully, especially the wrong place, you must think carefully, why did you make a mistake?

Now I will send down the test paper, UU reading www.uukanshu. The classmates who read the names came to the stage to get the test papers, Li Fen 100 points, Zhang Hao 100 points... Wu Chao 62 points, Zhen Wanwan 58 points, a big step back! "

Teacher Xu reported their names one by one, and Wu Chao and Zhen Wanwan were both named and criticized. Although the math scores of these two were not very good, they were usually able to get 70 points in the exam. This time, one of them barely passed. One failed, no wonder Teacher Xu wanted to criticize.

Wu Chao's heart jumped into his throat, Wu Chao and Zhen Wanwan both fell, and she must be one of the nine who failed!

Although it was a little uncomfortable, she wasn't too disappointed, she didn't have much hope, and naturally the disappointment wasn't too big.

"Wu Mei has 68 points. This time I want to focus on praising Wu Mei. Her progress is the most obvious in the class, which can be described as rapid progress. I hope Wu Mei can guard against arrogance and rashness and make greater progress. ."

Teacher Xu praised him generously. He looked at Wu Mei with 12 points of love. He was happier than seeing the perfect score for the former scumbag who has made such great progress. Eight zero sweet wife

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