80s: Little Sweet Wife

Chapter 147: Feng Shui turns

After being taught a lesson by Wu Zhengsi, Wu Yue gradually calmed down. It must be impossible to hide at home and not go out. She is the proud daughter of heaven, how could she be locked at home all day long?

The odor on the body must be cured. This is an urgent matter. The princess of the Wu family can only be her Wu Yue, and it is impossible and not allowed to be someone else, especially Wu Mei.

Hmph, do you want to catch up with her with only 68 points in the test?


Wu Yue got dressed, adjusted her mentality, opened the door and walked out, respectfully saying, "Dad, let's go to the hospital."

He Biyun was the most happy, "Go to the hospital now, and Mom will sprinkle you some toilet water!"

"Yeah!" Wu Yue responded obediently.

Although Wu Mei was mentally prepared, he was still stimulated by the stench of this earth-shattering cry of ghosts and spirits. He covered his nose with his hands and ran to the door quickly.

"It smells so bad, why is the house so smelly? Are there dead mice?" Wu Mei shouted deliberately.

Wu Yue felt a stabbing pain in her heart, her eyes instantly turned red, and she looked at He Biyun dazedly.

He Biyun was very distressed and cursed: "What's your name? Where does the smell come from?"

"It stinks. Dad, you smell it too, right? No, you shouldn't smell it if you have a cold nose. I'll ask Mrs. Zhang to smell it." Wu Mei said, and was about to open the door.

He Biyun shouted in fright, "Why are you opening the door? You don't even come in to do your homework!"

Wu Mei opened the door just to scare Wu Yue. Wu Zhengsi loved face the most. If she really called Mrs. Zhang over, she would offend Wu Zhengsi again.

When I ran past Wuyue, the stench was stronger, and there was also the scent of toilet water, which combined to form an even more weird smell, which made me want to vomit.

Wu Mei pressed his nose even tighter, and shouted in a muffled voice, "I found where the smell came from, Dad, it's from my sister, she has body odor."

Wu Yue's head banged, body odor was the conclusion she was most unwilling to face, she wanted to be a fragrant princess, not a princess with body odor, Wu Mei must have done it on purpose, she just wanted to see her own joke, this **** !

"I'm not a body odor, Wu Mei, you are talking nonsense!" Wu Yue couldn't help shouting.

"I don't argue with you. I can't stand it when I go into the house. Sister, your body odor seems to be very strong. How can I sleep in the future!"

Wu Mei stabbed several times one after another, didn't you Wu Yue always call her ugly before?

When others call her ugly, Wu Yue may be so proud. Feng shui turns, she is no longer ugly, but Wu Yue has become a stinky girl, haha, God's eyes are open!

Wu Mei glanced proudly at the pale Wu Yue~www.readwn.com~ pushed the door and entered the room. The stench outside was really unbearable. Although she wanted to make fun of Wu Yue again, she was about to faint.

After closing the door, Wu Mei was in a very happy mood. A white shadow flashed over and lay on her shoulders. The big tail was rubbing against her face, itchy, and Wu Mei couldn't help laughing.

"Qiuqiu, don't make noise, be careful to let my dad hear me."

Wu Mei went to the inner room with Qiuqiu in his arms, grabbed the melon seeds and gave it to him to eat. The little guy must have gone outside for food. He didn't eat much at home, but only occasionally ate something.

"Qiuqiu, my sister is very happy today..."

Wu Mei happily shared the happy news with the little squirrel, the progress of the math test, and Wu Yue's body odor.

"Qiuqiu, you are my lucky god, my sister loves you to death!"

Wu Mei kissed Qiuqiu several times, and the furry was very comfortable. Qiuqiu blinked triumphantly, it was uncle Qiu who went out, and what else could he do! Eight zero sweet wife

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