80s: Little Sweet Wife

Chapter 151: eat 1 throw 1

Wu Mei skillfully fried poached eggs, and it was not without benefits that He Biyun had been instructed since she was a child.

"Meimei boiled noodles, where's your mother?" Mrs. Zhang came out to see it and asked curiously.

Wu Mei rolled her eyes and whispered deliberately, "My sister has body odor and refuses to go to school. My mother is very sad and she doesn't want to eat."

Mrs. Zhang looked at the little girl, this ghostly spirit, it was funny, but how could Wu Yue have a body odor?

I've never heard anything wrong before!

Wu Mei shoveled the fried egg onto the boiled surface, and then smashed another egg into the pot. The oil sizzled, the egg quickly formed, and it gave off a tempting aroma.

Mrs. Zhang shook her head, and even more disdain for He Biyun, the eldest daughter has developed a delicate temperament, Yilai stretches out her hand to eat and opens her mouth, what else is there to study well?

If she wants to choose a daughter-in-law, she must choose Wu Mei, who is good-natured, diligent, beautiful, and her grades are almost bad, and she doesn't expect her child to get a doctorate.

This woman He Biyun can't see through!

Wu Mei quickly cooked two bowls of noodles, sprinkled them with pepper, and poured some vinegar. There were two golden poached eggs lying on top of them. It was so fragrant!

She took a bowl of noodles into the house, He Biyun glared at her angrily, Wu Mei didn't care, anyway, he wouldn't lose a piece of meat.

"Dad, the noodles are ready, eat them while it's hot!"

Wu Mei brought the noodles into the room, Wu Zhengsi smelled the tempting aroma, and his stomach became more and more hungry. He took the noodles and ate it, his eyes suddenly lit up, and he felt that the little daughter's noodles were better than He Biyun's. eat some.

"Where did Meimei learn to cook noodles?" Wu Zhengsi was a little strange.

Wu Mei sneered inwardly, but did not show it on his face, and replied, "I used to do my mother's cooking, and I can even cook!"

She has to tell He Biyun's blackness all the time. She has already formed Wu Mei's instinct. When she gets the chance, she will say that as time goes by, it will always have some influence on Wu Zhengsi.

Only then did Wu Zhengsi remember that he had seen Wu Mei often doing housework, washing vegetables, mopping the floor, washing clothes and cleaning cabinets, but Yueyue never saw her there.

He Biyun's actions were not authentic. No wonder the eyebrows suddenly exploded, not dying in silence, but erupting in silence.

Wu Mei didn't say much, just clicked, and let Wu Zhengsi think about the rest to see what his wife is. She talked to Wu Zhengsi and went out. Fragrant, no taste at all.

She also took the noodles and went into the room to eat~www.readwn.com~ too lazy to look at He Biyun's stinky face outside, she didn't look good at all.


Qiu Qiu smelled the scent of fried eggs, and kept shouting at Wu Mei, and pointed his paws at the poached egg.

"Qiuqiu wants to eat a poached egg? Can you eat it?"

Wu Mei is not too sure, can squirrels eat eggs?

Qiu Qiu was so greedy, and without waiting for Wu Mei to feed him, he pulled the poached egg on his face to the table with one paw, and ate it with relish.

Wu Mei looked amused and gave it the rest of the eggs. Qiu Qiu shook his head, not wanting Wu Mei's other egg.

"Qiuqiu, you are so kind. When my sister earns a lot of money, you can eat as much as you want. Let's eat one and throw the other."

Wu Meipa pulled the noodles, and together with Qiuqiu, fantasized about the life of a local tyrant who would eat a poached egg and throw a poached egg in the future, foolishly. Eight zero sweet wife

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