80s: Little Sweet Wife

Chapter 159: where to find laxatives

Wu Mei also thought of it when she first entered the house. As soon as Qiu Qiu soaked her urine, Wu Yue was arguing about not going to school for the first time. Next week was the monthly exam. As long as Qiu Qiu soaked her urine again, Wu Yue's mood would definitely be affected. Influence, she might play out of order by then!

Of course, she has to prepare both hands, and the laxatives are still needed!

But where would she have to find laxatives?

Wu Mei hugged Qiuqiu and muttered to herself. Now, unlike her previous life, pharmacies are everywhere. If you want to prescribe medicine at this time, you have to go to the infirmary or hospital. Laxatives should never be prescribed in the hospital.

By the way, use croton!

Wu Mei's eyes lit up, but soon darkened. Finding croton is more difficult than finding laxatives. She doesn't even know what croton looks like, where can she find it?

Uncle Qiu, who just ordered a lot of candies from Xiong Mumu, was in a good mood. Seeing the owner's frowning face, Qiu Qiu's black beans blinked, and the owner wanted to find medicine for diarrhea?

Why don't you ask it!


Qiuqiu's big tail flicked and jumped out of the window at once, and disappeared after a while. Wu Mei thought it was going out for a walk, so he didn't care, took out the workbook from his schoolbag and started to do his homework.

After finishing her homework today, she can go shopping with peace of mind tomorrow. Alas, she has to spend money to go shopping. I really hope that I can pick up a wallet when I go out tomorrow!

He Biyun shouted in the living room, "Old Wu, I took Yueyue to the hospital. If you come back late, you can let Meimei cook."

Wu Mei snorted. The hospital is only a few hundred meters away from No. 1 Middle School. How long does it take?

He Biyun is definitely going to take Wu Yue to go shopping and buy things. My dear baby has suffered so much grievance, how can I not buy something to comfort her!

"Mom, remember to bring me back white sneakers, I will wear them in gym class next week." Wu Mei opened the door and shouted.

He Biyun scolded sharply: "I took your sister to the hospital to see a doctor. How can you be so ignorant about buying things?"

"Then give me the money, and I'll buy it myself tomorrow, so I won't bother you."

Wu Mei stretched out her small hand and was unyielding. She had to ask for money while Wu Zhengsi still remembered this matter, otherwise Wu Zhengsi would forget it in a few days, and He Biyun would have an excuse to default on the debt.

He Biyun picks up the feather duster on the cabinet and is about to hit someone. This dead girl is really a cold-blooded animal. Yueyue has such a big incident here, she still only wants to buy shoes, and the dead girl's scalp is itching again!

Wu Mei was not afraid of her. Instead, UU Reading www.uukanshu.com ran into Wu Zhengsi's room. He Biyun's aura disappeared at once, with dark clouds rolling over his face, wishing to swallow Wu Mei alive.

Wu Yue went to the hospital in a hurry, and didn't want to make Wu Zhengsi angry anymore, so she tugged at He Biyun's sleeve, and made a note for Wu Mei in her heart. When she made time, she would clean up the idiot Wu Mei.

He Biyun angrily took out the money from his wallet. There were only a few pieces of one piece and two pieces, and the rest were gross receipts and Great Unity. He Biyun counted five dollars and handed it to Wu Mei, and said solemnly: "The kind that buys three dollars. ."

"I'll just buy the brand that my sister wore in the past, that kind of five dollars. You can give me the two dollars too, so as not to ask you for pocket money next week."

Wu Mei quickly took away the two dollars left in He Biyun's hand. He Biyun's face was terrifyingly black, and he stared at Wu Mei. He really wanted to teach this dead girl a lesson, but he was afraid of Wu Zheng in the room Thinking angry.

Lao Wu is now protecting this dead girl tightly. She can no longer scold when she wants to, or hit when she wants to, which makes He Biyun very upset and makes her very depressed. Eight zero sweet wife

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