80s: Little Sweet Wife

Chapter 168: reciprocate

Uncle Ming asked again, "Then how are you going to deal with them in the future?"

Yan Mingshun's cold face showed a faint smile, both mocking and indifferent. He said softly, "Hasn't Tan Shufang always wanted to be a master? Then I will try my best to make her a master."

Uncle Ming said in shock: "You're crazy, and you still let this kind of person be a superior person? Have you forgotten how she treated you back then?"

"Of course I won't forget, how could I forget? There's a saying that doesn't say that, the higher you climb, the more pain you will fall. It must have been a wonderful mood.”

The corners of Yan Mingshun's lips were slightly curved, and his eyes flashed with cold light. Although his face was still immature, Uncle Ming did not dare to underestimate the evil spirit on his body, and his amazing endurance and unfathomable calculation. Like a sixteen-year-old boy?

This child will become a great one in the future!

"You know what you have in mind. This red-spotted bamboo hat is the right time for you to send it. It happened that a regular customer came to inquire about the red-spotted bamboo hat a few days ago, and you brought it to your door. An old customer bid two thousand and I paid fifteen thousand, what do you think?"

On the one hand, Uncle Ming intends to befriend Yan Mingshun, and on the other hand, he also has the heart to help this young man. Thirty years in Hedong, thirty years in Hexi, who knows when he will not beg for Yan Mingshun in the future!

Yan Mingshun's seven orifices are exquisite, and he knew what Uncle Ming was thinking as soon as he heard it, and he did not reject Uncle Ming's kindness, and said with a smile: "I am not polite to you, Uncle Ming, as long as I have Yan Mingshun in the future, I will definitely do it. Returning the peach and the plum."

Uncle Ming felt relieved when he heard this, his eyes were full of smiles, he opened the safe beside him, took out a stack of Great Unity, dipped a little saliva, and neatly counted 150 sheets, a thick stack, smack He threw it on the table.

"You count."

Yan Mingshun didn't even look at it, he just picked up the stack of money and stuffed it into his schoolbag. Uncle Ming smiled with satisfaction. What he liked was the coolness of this kid, unlike some people who counted the stack of money a dozen times. , He knew that the boss had been in Nanshui Street for decades, how could he have missed those few coins?

"Uncle Ming, you are busy, I will go first."

Yan Mingshun carefully zipped the inner seam of the schoolbag, and said goodbye to Uncle Ming. Uncle Ming waved his hand, indicating that he would take care of himself, and said lazily: "You can take some of the paper and ink outside and use it, and pick it yourself."


Yan Mingshun is also not polite to him. He knows that Uncle Ming never relies on these paper and ink to eat. This paper restaurant is just a cover. The real big head is on these old things!

Wu Mei and Xiong Mumu had nothing to do, so they went to the stalls with Qiuqiu. Some of the stalls were all arranged, but the stall owner ignored them, probably because they were children and knew that they didn't have any money to waste. time.

The items in each stall are similar~www.readwn.com~ rusty old coins, dirty bowls and cans, and some calligraphy and brush holders, all look like junk.

At this moment, there are more and more people hanging out on the street, including locals, foreign tourists, and blond foreigners, all of whom have the same purpose—to pick up leaks.

"Let's go buy paper. I heard that nine out of ten things here are fake, and we can't tell if it's true." Wu Mei was not very interested.

Xiong Mumu was very enthusiastic, "What's the hurry? It's still early, just take a look. If you find a big leak through **** luck, then why do you worry about money?"

Wu Mei glared at him, it was hard to pick up even a penny on the ground, still want to pick up a big leak?

Daydream in the sky!


Qiuqiu in Wu Mei's arms suddenly screamed and kept twisting his fat body. Eight zero sweet wife

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