80s: Little Sweet Wife

Chapter 17: Crying baby gets milk

Wu Yue glanced at the rubber band on Shen Jiao's head and said unhappily, "Who asked you to use my rubber band? Why don't you even ask?"

Originally, if Wu Mei was beaten by He Biyun in normal times, Wu Yue would be in a good mood, but it was just a worthless rubber band, why would she care?

But today's Wu Mei feels something is wrong. This kind of wrong makes Wu Yue very dissatisfied. It is like a humble weed that she usually ignores. She will step on it every day, but one day, this weed does not want her to step on it. Now, how can she bear it?

An angry Wu Yue stepped forward and pushed Wu Mei fiercely. Wu Mei grunted and bent down in pain. She endured the pain and slowly straightened her waist. I will bow my head in front of Wu Yue again!

Wu Mei didn't want to pay attention to Wu Yue, but walked towards the door. She was young and weak in this life, and she alone could not fight against Wu Yue and He Biyun. If she wanted to live a comfortable life, she had to find a help. The person she speaks to.

Although Wu Zhengsi's actions in the previous life made Wu Mei feel cold, but she could only be soft temporarily. Compared with He Biyun's ruthless heart, Wu Zhengsi still made some sense. Not knowing at all, it is up to He Biyun and Wu Yue to practice themselves.

A child who can cry has milk. This is a true saying. She has nothing now, and the only thing she can rely on is Wu Zhengsi's poor father-daughter relationship.

Seeing Wu Mei walking out without saying a word, Wu Yue couldn't help feeling a little flustered and whispered, "Wu Mei, what are you doing?"

Wu Mei still didn't say a word, and opened the door directly. Wu Zhengsi was washing his face in the bathroom. He is a person who pays great attention to appearance. When he goes out as a guest, he must be clean and refreshed.

"Dad, I hurt..."

Wumei Tianren fought for a long time before calling out 'Dad'. Her heart was bitter and astringent. She was hunched over, and she didn't need to act at all. , which was much harder than usual.

As soon as Wu Zhengsi wiped his face, he saw his little daughter looking at him with tears in her eyes, her body hunched over, she looked so pitiful.

Of course, what surprised him more was the appearance of his youngest daughter. Wu Mei had always been a disheveled image in his memory. She was cute when she was a child, especially with a beauty mole between her eyebrows. When he was a scumbag, Wu Zhengsi still loved his little daughter very much, and even often joked with He Biyun, saying that his little daughter would be both talented and beautiful, and she must be a great beauty with both internal and external training.

Unexpectedly, Wu Mei was so angry that he vomited blood as soon as he entered school. He couldn't even calculate addition and subtraction within ten. The other subjects were even worse. Wu Zhengsi's love for his little daughter gradually faded, and he focused on grades. Excellent eldest daughter.

Slowly and without knowing when it started, Wu Mei's appearance gradually blurred in his mind, and in the end only the unkempt face was left, and he didn't even want to take a second look.

His wife told him that the youngest daughter had a quirky temper, and asked Wu Mei to comb her hair several times, but Wu Mei just refused to listen and let her hair down. , Over time, Wu Zhengsi really believed that Wu Mei had a strange personality, and his love for him gradually faded away.


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