80s: Little Sweet Wife

Chapter 1735: 1 The raccoon of the hill

There was half a bucket of blood-red paint in the plastic bucket, and there was a big brush, obviously trying to do something bad on the wall, and there was a big bag that stinks when opened, full of rotten eggs and dead fish and rotten shrimp , It's really difficult for them, carrying such a smelly thing has not been smoked to death. *WwW.suimeng.lā

Although the police wanted to cover up these three people, but they had all the evidence and material, and they were arrested for a crime, they had the will but powerless.

The **** rolled his eyes, pointed at his **** feet and shouted, "Sir, I'm going to sue her for intentional injury. With such long nails, our feet may be abolished. This mainland girl is deliberately trying to work in Hong Kong. Bad things, bad intentions."

Xiaoyun glared at his other foot without nails, "Do you still want to lose another leg?"

The police looked at Xiaoyun in surprise. It was the first time they had seen such an arrogant mainland girl!

Which mainlanders have you met before, who didn't have their tails tucked?

"Miss, you are intimidating, we have the right to detain you!" The police warned, although they didn't like the three gangsters on the ground, they didn't like the inland people even more.

"You guys aren't in the same group, are you? These three bad guys came to my house and plotted against each other. We are just self-defense, so why did we become plotters?" Meimei asked with a sneer.

"We didn't even enter your house, why are we plotting to do something wrong?" The **** shouted with pride in his eyes.

Meimei snorted lightly and gave Xiaoyun a wink. Xiaoyun quickly returned to the room and took out the deed of the villa. It was written in black and white, clearly and clearly. The road within three meters around the villa, and the beach behind, All are on record and are private property.

"Did you see it clearly? The ground you are standing on is my house. What's wrong with me burying some nails in my house? Does the law in Hong Kong even care about personal privacy?"

"Of course not, we didn't figure it out." The policeman immediately changed his tune, smiling reluctantly, but his heart was sour.


They are still living in cheap public housing!

Why is this mainland girl so rich?

Don't you all say that the inland is so poor that you can't even fill your stomach?

"Mr. Police, I want to sue these three people for trespassing and maliciously intimidating and deliberately hurting people. My lawyer will contact you tomorrow. It's late at night, so forgive me for not accompanying me!"

Meimei didn't have a good look on these two policemen. If she hadn't been prepared, she might have been taken to the police station!

Humph, a raccoon dog on a hill!

These three gangsters must be sent to the cell to enjoy life behind bars!

The three thugs panicked now~www.readwn.com~ They just want to make some extra money, but they don't want to go to jail!

"Sir...we were really just passing by...did nothing..."

"Miss... I have an 80-year-old mother on top and a son who has just turned a month... I beg you..."

The gangsters cried bitterly and kowtowed to their brows, how pitiful.

"People like you can still find wives? Is it possible that Hong Kong women are blind?" Meimei sneered and shouted at Xiaoyun: "Close the door, and get me some raw meat-eating wolf dogs tomorrow, who would dare to barge in again? , just let the dog bite me!"

Both the police and the thugs shivered in a shuddering manner, fearful of their brows, this beautiful mainland girl is ruthless!

The gangsters are even a little fortunate. Fortunately, they were only stabbed by nails. If they were replaced by wolf dogs, would their little lives be saved?


The door was closed, and the police took away the three thugs. There were lights flickering in the dark, the paparazzi who worked around the clock.

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