80s: Little Sweet Wife

Chapter 1737: meet at sea

"Is this friend of lawyer Jin a man or a woman? How old is he?" Meimei thought of a person and asked anxiously. *WwW.suimeng.lā

"It's a lady, a friend I met when I was studying in the UK." Jin Bowen's answer made Meimei's heart suddenly cold.

Not the one she thought!

But she was still curious, and it seemed that this woman should have no ill will towards her, so it would be fine to meet her.

"Then tomorrow afternoon, the place will be decided by your friend."

"Then at two o'clock tomorrow afternoon, I will come to pick up Miss Zhao. My friend will meet you on the cruise ship at sea."

Meimei raised her eyebrows in surprise, going to a cruise ship at sea?

"Why don't you find a tea house on land?"

She was vigilant. After all, she was a stranger. She didn't dare to trust it. If the other party sailed the boat to the open sea, she would become the meat on the plan. It doesn't matter if they want to make lion head or steamed pork. She negotiates.

Seeing Meimei's reluctance, Jin Bowen explained, "My friend's status is a bit special, and it's not suitable for you to make public appearances in Hong Kong. Miss Zhao, don't worry, my friend just wants to talk to you, and it's not malicious."

Meimei pondered, very hesitant, should you agree or not?

Hong Kong is not Yan Mingshun's territory. She has to be careful, but she really wants to know who that woman is, so tangled!

And this woman sounded so mysterious, which aroused her curiosity even more.

Jin Bowen understands Meimei's concerns very well, and he would hesitate to change it, but the situation in Hong Kong has been relatively tense recently, and Lilian has taken great risks when she comes to Hong Kong, and it is really not suitable to show up in the city.

He thought about it and said, "Do you know a doctor Gu, Miss Zhao?"

Doctor Gu?

Her brows and eyes lit up. Speaking of which, both her and Yan Xinya's bodies were well conditioned by this old gentleman!

It was just a few years ago that this old gentleman traveled all over the world, and he never saw the end of the dragon. I didn't expect him to be in Hong Kong!

"My friend is also a friend of Doctor Gu. Doctor Gu will come to pick up Miss Zhao with me tomorrow, so Miss Zhao should be relieved?" Jin Bowen said with a smile.

"Okay, I'll be waiting for lawyer Jin at home tomorrow." Meimei readily agreed.

After lawyer Jin left, Xiaoyun disagreed, "Miss, you shouldn't agree. The situation here is very complicated. If something happens at sea, how can we explain it to Master Ming!"

There are not enough manpower here in Hong Kong, and she and Xiao Li have not fully recovered. They are not afraid of death~www.readwn.com~ Because their lives were saved by the young lady, without the elixir that the young lady gave, They died in the jungle months earlier.

But I'm afraid they can't protect the young lady even if they die, that's what she worries about the most!

Meimei smiled and comforted her, "Don't worry, that Doctor Gu is my old friend, he won't hurt me, and I still have Qiuqiu!"


Qiuqiu stuck out his small head from the bag behind Meimei, and patted Xiaoyun's arm with his fat paw, which seemed to reassure her, made Xiaoyun laugh, and was really relieved.

She had already heard about the greatness of Uncle Ball, and if something really happened, she and Xiao Li would fight to protect the young lady!

Jin Bowen did not go back to the law firm or go home. Instead, he went to the seaside and drove a motorboat out to sea alone. After more than an hour, he came to the high seas and approached a very luxurious cruise ship.

"Bowen, how's it going?"

After Jin Bowen got on the boat, Lilian asked anxiously, next to Xia Tingtao, who was even more anxious.

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