80s: Little Sweet Wife

Chapter 1756: People have to bow their heads obediently under the eaves

Ouyang Shanshan got off the car at a village house not far from the New Territories. It is different from the bustling and tidy urban area. It is crowded and dirty, and the law and order is also very poor. . *WwW.suimeng.lā

"Beautiful girl, I'll treat you to ice!" Some thugs even approached recklessly, wanting to do something to her.

"Go away!" Ouyang Shanshan scolded coldly.

"Oh, it turns out to be a mainland girl, she's quite temperamental!" The gangsters knew that she was from the mainland when they heard her accent, and they became more daring and lustful in their eyes - they wanted to procrastinate. She went to the alley.

Ouyang Shanshan's eyes lit up with cold light, and her legs were like electricity. The three-inch high-heeled shoes actually kicked one of the gangsters' vital parts. I'm afraid that thing is useless.


Ouyang Shanshan kicked out again. She kicked her legs very fast, and she kicked the opponent's spot. After a while, three thugs lay down on the ground, and they all rolled around in pain.

"Don't get out yet? Do you want to be a father-in-law too?" Ouyang Shanshan asked sharply, her legs were still so white, so straight, so beautiful, but in the eyes of the gangsters, she couldn't give birth to any lust.

The remaining gangsters looked at each other in dismay, how dare they molest Ouyang Shanshan again, they helped the three unlucky guys on the ground and fled.

Ouyang Shanshan snorted contemptuously, flipped her hair, and in the surprised eyes of others, she entered an old building, four stories high, dark and shabby, and the balcony was covered with colorful clothes. The wires are so low that you can reach them from the windowsill and touch them, which is very dangerous.

The corridor was very dark, and the floor was also dark. There were still a few cigarette butts lying there. Ouyang Shanshan frowned, went up to the third floor, knocked on one of the rooms, and only knocked once, and the door opened. .

"Why are you here now?" His voice was hoarse and dissatisfied, but he could tell it was a young man.

The curtains in the room were closed and it was very dark. Ouyang Shanshan flashed disgust in her eyes and said softly, "Why are you pulling the curtains in the daytime?"  …

"What if someone sees me? I managed to get my life back." The man looked frightened, and it turned out to be Ouyang Xiong. He was injured and escaped. It turned out that he went to Ouyang Shanshan.

Ouyang Xiong was hung with gauze on his right hand, and he was also wrapped in a lot of gauze, and there were blood stains on his body.

Wu Yue glanced at him contemptuously, took out the small bag~www.readwn.com~ and threw it on the table, "This is the wound medicine and anti-inflammatory medicine, you have treated the wound yourself."

Ouyang Xiong's injury was not light, and it was not treated in time. The wounds festered and gave off a foul odor. The room was full of smells, and Ouyang Shanshan didn't want to stay for a moment.

"I'm leaving. I'll arrange for you to go to the United States after a while. You should recuperate first."

Ouyang Shanshan said lightly and turned to leave.

"Stop, you give me medicine first!" Ouyang Xiong said badly and looked at her coldly.

This niece used to be respectful to him and told her to go east and dare not go west. Now her tail is about to go to the sky, and she doesn't have a good face for ignoring him, and she arranges him in such a dirty place. How can Ouyang Xiong be reconciled?

Ouyang Shanshan frowned, a sarcastic smile appeared on her lips, and she did not hide her contempt, "You are just a bereaved dog now. What kind of prestige are you playing in front of me? Don't forget, but I took you in."

She raised her chin and approached Ouyang Xiong, who had a blue face, and said contemptuously, "If you are under the eaves, you have to bow your head obediently. I don't need to teach you this principle, right?"

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