80s: Little Sweet Wife

Chapter 1785: something happened again

Zhou Zihua hung up the phone, his expression seemed no different from usual, but Mrs. Zhou could see that he was very unhappy. WWW.SUIMENG.lā

"Why are you unhappy? Why are you angry with Meimei girl?" Mrs. Zhou smiled and persuaded her. She still likes Meimei. The most important thing is that she thinks Meimei may give the Zhou family a different way out. .

Zhou Zihua snorted softly and said dissatisfiedly: "Little girl actually suspects that there are spies around me. I really don't know what it means. I am like an iron bucket, how could there be spies? I think it's her own problem."

Mrs. Zhou's heart skipped a beat, she had a bad premonition, and hurriedly asked what was going on.

Zhou Zihua then told about the tape, and after the matter was finished, his anger subsided, and he said to Mrs. Zhou, "This matter has something to do with me anyway, I'll go and find out if this girl Zhao Mei will be okay? "

He himself thought it was funny, how could he still be angry with the little girl at a young age?

Mrs. Zhou asked, "Where did you make this call? Who is there?"

She doesn't have the confidence of Zhou Zihua, and her heart is unpredictable. Who can guarantee 100% safety around her?

What's more, the Zhou family is now on the cusp of the storm. I don't know how many people want to bring down the Zhou family. She is not afraid of death at her age, but she can't let her children and grandchildren suffer.

Zhou Zihua disapproved of his wife's solemnity, and he didn't want to talk about Ouyang Shanshan in front of his wife, so he couldn't hold his face.

"Don't worry, Zhao Mei must have been eavesdropped on her side. I'll send someone over to check it for them later. I'm leaving, and I won't be back for dinner at night."

Mrs. Zhou's expression was solemn. She felt the same as Meimei. There were a lot of people in the family, so she didn't dare to take risks.

"Miss, Mrs. Zhou has called and has something to ask you."

Xiaoyun brought the extension over, frowned for a while, feeling better, she answered the phone, "Aunt Zhou, what's the matter?"

"Mei Mei, are you sure that your Uncle Hua has a spy?" Mrs. Zhou went straight in, and Mei Mei was puzzled. What do these two couples mean?

"Yes, not to mention 100%, but I'm 90% sure that Uncle Hua's phone was tapped."

Meimei thought for a while, and then said, "Aunt Zhou, you persuade Uncle Hua, since I dare to say that, I am sure that the bodyguards around him are powerful, but they can't keep up with the times. There will be a hundred secrets and a few sparse ones.”

When it comes to this, believe it or not, it's up to them!

"Thank you Meimei, I will investigate this matter strictly."

Mrs. Zhou understood what Meimei meant, UU read www. uukanshu.com Don't look at her now that she is a kind old lady who eats fast and recites Buddha. She was also a ruthless character when she was young. She even saved Zhou Zihua's life. Otherwise, how could Zhou Zihua trust her so much!

After hanging up the phone, Mrs. Zhou pondered for a while, called the housekeeper, and after a few words, the housekeeper took the order.

Mrs. Zhou laughed at herself. Just now, Zhou Zihua refused to say where the call was made, indicating that when he called, there must be his little love beside him. Because of this, Mrs. Zhou became more suspicious.

The woman's intuition told her that there was absolutely something wrong with this little **** Ouyang Shanshan!

It's not at all those **** who were bent on getting rich in the past. She has to find out the people behind the little bitch!

Ruan Huacai's case has no clue. Lin SiR occasionally calls to inquire about the situation. He tells the truth and has nothing to hide. Anyway, she didn't kill the person.

"Miss, something happened again!"

Just two days after peace, Xiaoyun came back in a hurry.

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