80s: Little Sweet Wife

Chapter 1796: Weird Ouyang Shanshan

She slept in a daze all afternoon during the day, and Meimei couldn't sleep again at night. She simply took a piece of paper and wrote on it. <щww.suimeng.lā

"Ruan Huacai...Ouyang Shanshan...Ouyang Xiong...Well, and Xia Tingtao and Lilian..."

Meimei muttered to herself, wrote down all the people she met after coming to Hong Kong, and wrote clearly about the relationship between them, but she found out what she had overlooked and couldn't help crying out.

"What's wrong? Is your head hurting again?" Xiao Se turned his head and asked.

Meimei shook her head, pointed at the paper, and said, "I just remembered that Ouyang Shanshan is Ruan Huacai's apprentice, but Ruan Huacai came to Hong Kong, and their teacher and apprentice have never met?"

Xiaoyun affirmed: "Absolutely not. Ruan Huacai's whereabouts after coming to Hong Kong are under our surveillance. He doesn't seem to know that Ouyang Shanshan is in Hong Kong."

"Then maybe Ouyang Shanshan doesn't know Ruan Huacai is in Hong Kong!" Xiong Mumu said.

Meimei shook her head, "She definitely knows."

She told what Mrs. Zhou found out, "Even if she didn't know it before, when Zhou Zihua called me that night, Ouyang Shanshan was there, and she must have handed the tape to the police, she couldn't have it. do not know."

"Fuck, Ouyang Shanshan, why did she eavesdrop on Zhou Zihua's phone? Could it be that she joined the CIA?" Xiong Mumu was very surprised, and the more he thought about it, the more reasonable his speculation became.

Her skills have suddenly become so powerful, her clothing quality has been greatly improved, and she has been admitted to Harvard University. If she is a CIA agent, it is very likely that Harvard University is her disguise to hide her identity, so she does not need to be admitted.

Xiao Se glared at him, "Do you think the CIA is a vegetable market, and all cats and dogs can enter?"

She never paid attention to Ouyang Shanshan, so what if she was admitted to Harvard? Still so frustrated!

"Then how do you explain Ouyang Shanshan's wiretapping? There must be a reason, right?" Xiong Mumu was not convinced.

"It's very likely that she was instigated, even if she was Zhou Zihua's lover, she might have been instigated by others, otherwise she is not bad for money and not bad for men, why should she be with an old man? There are so many young talents in Hong Kong. , with her current conditions, it's easy to find one." Xiao Se said.

"Who ordered that?" Xiong Mumu asked.

"do not know."

Xiao Se answered very succinctly, if she knew otherwise, she would be the CIA!

She took the paper in Meimei's hand, looked at it roughly, thought about it for a while, and said, "Lilian and Xia Tingtao can be ruled out. They are just passers-by and have nothing to do with recent events."

Everyone nodded in unison~www.readwn.com~ This is indeed the case. It is said that Lilian and Xia Tingtao have returned to the United States.

Xiao Se continued: "The rest are the three of them. Two of them are dead. Both of them are still related to Ouyang Shanshan, and they have a close relationship."

"What are you trying to say? Can you finish it all at once?" Wu Chao was confused. His artistic skills really couldn't understand this kind of question that tests logical thinking.

Xiao Se looked at Meimei and asked, "When you met Ouyang Shanshan this morning, did she show sadness or sadness?"

"No, it's the same as usual, but I'm not sure if she knows what happened to Ouyang Xiong." Meimei shook her head.

Wu Chao understood this time, "Even if she doesn't know about Ouyang Xiong, Ruan Huacai is her master. When something happened to her master, she still acts like no one else, it's not normal."

Even if it's just an ordinary friend who suddenly has an accident, the mood will change a little, right?

But Ouyang Shanshan was not only not sad, but also made an article about Ruan Huacai's death to frame others, which was extremely cold-blooded.

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