80s: Little Sweet Wife

Chapter 181: rich treat

"What do you want to eat? I'll treat you today!" Wu Mei smiled and patted her schoolbag, and there was a squeak from inside. She then remembered that Qiuqiu was still in the schoolbag, and hurriedly took it out.

"Qiuqiu, my sister is rich, and I'll buy you delicious food every day from now on." Wu Mei put his arms around the little guy and kissed him again, his brows and eyes were all happy.

Yan Mingshun chuckled lightly: "I still have to go to the stall, so I won't go to eat. By the way, these rice papers are for you."

He took the rice paper he bought earlier from the guy and handed it to Wu Mei. Wu Mei happily took the rice paper, and at a glance, he knew that it was good, and the price was not cheap!

"Shall I give you the money back?" Wu Mei felt a little embarrassed.

Yan Mingshun smiled, "No need, didn't you give me ancient money? It's a matter of courtesy!"

Xiong Mumu snorted softly. A good stack of rice paper costs only two yuan at most, and a copper coin costs two hundred yuan. This abacus is really good. When you go back, you have to talk to the stinky girl, don't be a fool and let people know Cheated and helped to count the money.

At this time, it was almost noon. There were people coming and going on the street, and there was a cadence of hawking. It was very lively. Yan Mingshun walked among the people. There has been a small gain.


Qiuqiu is restless again, his body keeps twisting, the owner is rich now, so he can buy good things back, and then sell the good things for more money, buy him delicious candy , it can also take delicious candy to the mountain to hook up with a group of beautiful female mice, hey, happy race fairy!

Wu Mei can already confirm that Qiuqiu is extraordinary. Not only can he understand her words, but he can even hunt for treasures. The six copper coins were all bought by Qiuqiu. Could it be that God sees her too pitiful and sent Qiuqiu to help. hers?

Now that Qiuqiu is screaming like this, it must have found the treasure again, but finding six copper coins at once is enough to attract attention, but there can be no more outrageous actions.

Although Wu Mei also wanted to know what kind of good things Qiuqiu was looking for, she still endured it and whispered kind words: "Qiuqiu, can we buy it again next week? If you let others know that you will hunt for treasures, They will definitely be detrimental to you, my sister will buy you delicious food, okay?"

Qiuqiu flicked its tail unhappily. Its current strength is still too low, but it is better to be careful. Mouse Luo Pingyang is being bullied by mortals!

Xiong Mumu waited impatiently, and urged: "Don't you mean a treat? What are you doing with Qiuqiu? Can a squirrel understand you?" ..

Qiuqiu quietly compared his paws to Xiong Mumu~www.readwn.com~ stinky boy wait, sooner or later you will have to put the essence of Lao Tzu's grains on your head!

"Go eat, be careful on the road!"

Yan Mingshun waved his hand, not too worried about the 2,000 yuan. Wu Mei is a little stupid in reading, but in other aspects, he is not stupid at all, and his actions are stable, not to mention that there is a ghost-like Xiong Mumu next to him. Nothing will happen.

Wu Meichong also waved to Yan Mingshun, and then left Nanshui Street with Xiong Mumu, and asked, "What do you want to eat?"

"Fenglaiju's crab yellow buns, I happened to be passing by when I was going back, how about it?" Xiong Mumu licked his lips. He hadn't eaten crab yellow buns for a long time, and he was greedy!

"Sure, just eat crab yellow buns and bring some back to your parents." Wu Mei was very straightforward.

The crab roe buns in Feng Lai Ju are only three pieces now, and in twenty years they will be worth ten yuan each. The ingredients are not enough, the crab roe is poor, and the frozen pork is too much, it is not delicious at all. . Eight zero sweet wife

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