80s: Little Sweet Wife

Chapter 1823: Would you like to be my heroine

Zhou Xing’er didn’t believe what Meimei said. The little confidence she had just regained was completely crushed by this videotape. She got close to a dead end and refused to come out. WWW.SUIMENG.lā

"Sister Mei, I want to go to the inland to become a monk, can you help me get in touch?" Zhou Xinger looked firm.

Now she just wants to escape the terrible Hong Kong, go to a place where no one knows her, and spend the rest of her life.

"Xing'er, I know you are in pain right now. This kind of pain will destroy many girls, but you are not an ordinary girl. You are strong, brave and confident. No matter how deep the pain is, I believe you can come out."

Although it is possible to meditate in a monk’s practice, Zhou Xinger is only sixteen years old, and her most beautiful years are not a last resort. She does not want to see Zhou Xinger spend the rest of her life guarding the Qing Deng Sutra.

"Sister Mei, I'm not that strong... Really not, I can't live for a minute..." Zhou Xing'er couldn't help shaking her head, she even despised herself.

so dirty...

Meimei hugged Zhou Xinger, and did not persuade her any more. Crying is the best way to reduce stress. It's good to cry.

Zhou Xinger cried for about half an hour, her eyes were swollen like walnuts, but she felt better.

Meimei decided to persuade in another way, "What is your greatest ideal, Xing'er?"

Zhou Xinger was stunned, and smiled wryly at herself, "I used to want to be an actor as good as Hepburn, but now... I just want to become a monk."

Meimei automatically ignored the second half of the sentence, her mind moved, and she suddenly had an idea. ..

As long as people have goals, they will have the motivation to keep moving forward. It is good that Zhou Xinger has ideals.

"Xing'er, don't you like my ugly princess very much? If you were asked to play her, would you like it?" Mei Mei suddenly decided to make Zhou Xin'er the heroine of the ugly princess.

Although Zhou Xinger did not meet the standards she had previously set for the heroine in many places, these were all secondary, and it was a big deal that she would revise the setting of the heroine.

As for whether the TV series can be successful, Meimei has not paid attention to it.

If this TV series can pull Zhou Xinger out of the quagmire, then it will be a success.

Zhou Xing'er's eyes lit up, but they soon dimmed.

"Thank you, Sister Mei, I know you have good intentions, but I can't ruin your ugly princess. I'm not qualified to play a pure princess at all." Zhou Xing'er shook her head and refused, but she felt a touch of warmth in her heart.

Meimei understands Zhou Xinger's current inferiority complex, but if she continues like this, her mental state will only get worse.

"How can you not be qualified? You are beautiful and cheerful, and completely fit the setting of the ugly princess. I am very optimistic about you~www.readwn.com~Xing'er, unless you don't like my ugly princess at all." Meimei deliberately Say.

"No, I don't know how much I want to play the ugly princess, I dream of it, but now... I'm not worthy..."

"The ugly princess was created by me. I said that you can definitely do it. If Myolie is willing to help me, then I will tell your grandfather now, you and I will go back to the inland, and I will ask a professional teacher to teach you a lesson, okay? Okay?"

Meimei didn't say that those who were wrong were not you, but those of the bad guys. If you say these words, you didn't say anything. They were all right.

What Zhou Xinger needs now is not comfort, but a goal to move forward.

"I... can I really do it?" Zhou Xinger's eyes became brighter, not as deadly as before.

"Okay... I'm the mother of the ugly princess. I love her more than anyone else. How could I let the unsuitable people destroy the ugly princess!" Meimei said daringly.

Zhou Xing'er's appearance is still quite good, but I don't know how good her acting talent is. No matter what, it would be great to be able to get Zhou Xing'er out of the quagmire!

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