80s: Little Sweet Wife

Chapter 183: Dad, eat some soup dumplings

Wu Zhengsi sits in the living room grading the composition. The most troublesome thing for Chinese teachers is to correct the composition. Of course, some teachers will finish reading it quickly, but Wu Zhengsi is not like this. He spends several minutes reading each composition and encounters beautifully written articles , he will even read it repeatedly, and then carefully annotate it, it is possible to spend an hour.

That's why Wu Zhengsi often brings his compositions to his home for correction. At this time, he was reading Mei Shuhan's article. This time, he arranged essays with the theme of filial piety, because there was a very sensational incident in Tianjin recently, he said. It was an old man who was abandoned by his own children and ignored him. The public were condemning the old man's children, scolding them for not being filial, and for being the sons of man in vain.

Later, the old man's children told the reason. It turned out that the old man was lazy when he was young, and he never cared about his children. He even robbed his wife's hard-earned tuition for gambling. Their brothers and sisters are mothers. One-handedly pulling the big ones, when they finally got married and started a good life, the old mother couldn't afford it because of overwork, and went away before the age of fifty.

The children were very sad, so they hated their father deeply, so they discussed not to support their father. When these children talked about their emotions, they all cried bitterly with the portrait of their old mother.

"If it wasn't for him, our mother wouldn't have died so early. If we raised him, I'm sorry my mother!"

After the children said the reasons, the voices of condemnation were much less. It was really difficult for them to meet such a black-hearted old man.

But in the end, these children couldn't stand the pressure of public opinion, and took the old father back, because everyone said that if there are no parents, they gave birth to you, and where would you come from without them?

Gratitude must be repaid!

Parents must support!

If you don't support it, you are not filial, and it goes against human relations!

This is the saying of most people in the society. Although they sympathize with these three brothers and sisters, filial piety cannot be violated. It is wrong to not be filial. The units of the three brothers and sisters have also come out to do work. If you get it, you have to be aggrieved and ask for full filial piety.

This incident happened two months ago. It was quite noisy in Tianjin City. After Wu Zhengsi read the news, he thought of asking the students to write an essay on the matter. The three brothers and sisters have no problem with the central idea, but the sentences are empty and weak, and they can't resonate with people at all.

Wu Zhengsi was a little disappointed, so UU reading www.uukanshu.com turned out Mei Shuhan and Yan Mingshun's book, wanting to see what surprises the two of them would have.

The first thing he read was Yan Mingshun. This student's literary talent is still very good. He usually reads a lot of extracurricular books, and his words and sentences are amazing.

Mei Shuhan was slightly inferior at this point. This child was more law-abiding, and he was very appetizing to Wu Zhengsi, because he himself could not be more law-abiding.

"Dad, I'm back." Wu Mei broke up with Xiong Mumu and went into the house happily, holding a warm soup dumpling in his hand.

He Biyun, who was mopping the floor, looked at her little daughter coldly. The dead girl slipped out on weekends, obviously not wanting to work.

"Meimei went to get a basin of water and wiped the cabinet." He Biyun instructed.

"Sure, I'll put the schoolbag first, Dad, this is the Fenglaiju Crab Yellow Bun I brought you, your favorite."

Wu Mei didn't refuse. She is in a good mood today, so let's give He Biyun a face! Eight zero sweet wife

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