80s: Little Sweet Wife

Chapter 1843: Unbeatable Xiaoqiang

After Yan Mingshun came back, he asked his subordinates what happened three years ago. Although the interval was a little long, he still let his capable subordinates find out. ? www.suimeng.lā

"Boss, on the day Wu Yue died, a 25-year-old young woman died in a car accident in Jin City. The time of her death was similar to that of Wu Yue, and according to the woman's parents, their daughter was missing for nearly an hour before she was cremated. The crematorium informed them that the body had been burned."

Yan Mingshun clenched his fists tightly, hating Heliance's cunning, and even more hating his confusion.

How could He Lianze be so easily believed at that time, and he didn't even think about examining the corpse!

Fortunately, it was still in time!

Yan Mingshun planned to tell Meimei about this, so that she would be wary of fake Ouyang Shanshan.

"Wuyue? How could it be her? How could she not die if she fell from the fourth floor?" Meimei was incoherent in surprise. If it wasn't for Yan Mingshun, she would have called him crazy.

She was slashed with so many knives, and she still fell from a four-story high-rise building, and there was still a concrete floor below. I'm afraid even an iron man would have to be broken, right?

How could Wu Yue not die?

"It's true, the fake Ouyang Shanshan is Wu Yue. Heliance rescued Wu Yue and sent her abroad for training. You have to be careful in the future." Yan Mingshun urged.

Meimei pressed her temples hard, the news was too sudden, she couldn't accept it for a while.

But she was not surprised.

No wonder the fake Ouyang Shanshan felt so familiar to her, it turned out to be the **** Wu Yue!

"Kill her...Brother...I must kill her again..." Meimei didn't hide her hatred for Wu Yue, she tightly grabbed Yan Mingshun's hand and looked at him pleadingly.

Wu Yue is the calamity of her two lives, this robbery must be solved, otherwise she will not be safe in this life!

"Don't worry... I'll send someone to kill her..." Yan Mingshun patted Meimei's hand to calm her down.

Every time Wu Yue was mentioned, Mei Mei would be very excited. Even if Mei Mei didn't bring it up, he would not spare Wu Yue, not to mention that Wu Yue was Heliance's person and had to be removed.

"...Brother Mingshun, is Wuyue the same as the monster in the game, she can't be killed no matter what? Are we in reality or in a dream...I don't understand..."

Meimei was suddenly lost, and Wu Yue's full blood resurrection made her unable to tell what kind of world she was in? ..

Maybe she has been living in a dream, Wu Yue is Xiao Qiang who can never be killed, her only task in the dream is to kill Wu Yue again and again...

She didn't want this at all, she didn't want to see Wu Yue, a bitch, she just wanted to live happily with her parents, brother, friends, and Yan Mingshun.

Yan Mingshun was at a loss as he listened to the mumbling of the little woman in his arms.

What is full of blood resurrection?

What can't kill Xiaoqiang?

It made Wu Yue confused!

"You're stupid and still refuse to admit it~www.readwn.com~ How could it be a dream? Wuyue was just an accident, this time she will definitely not let her escape again, don't think about it!" Yan Mingshun reluctantly put on his eyebrows. Squeeze it, and use a little force.

His brows were so painful that he frowned, and he slapped him in dissatisfaction, covering his face and staring at Yan Mingshun.

"Does it hurt? How could it possibly hurt in a dream?" Yan Mingshun said with a smile.

"No, it also hurts when I'm dreaming, especially when I'm dreaming." Meimei retorted in a low voice.

A smile flashed in Yan Mingshun's eyes, he hugged her tighter, his big hands wandered around, and said with a wicked smile: "Have you ever had a spring dream? Let me help you distinguish the difference between a spring dream and reality... OK... "

"Don't...I won't have a dream...you bastard..."

Meimei smiled and wanted to climb out.

It was just that the resistance was ineffective, so Yan Mingshun simply took her to the screening room. The euphemism was to eliminate the psychological barriers of Meimei, but in fact it was to satisfy his own 'beast--desire'.

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