80s: Little Sweet Wife

Chapter 185: Stealing chickens is not counterproductive.

Wu Zhengsi looked at his eldest daughter with admiration. He only had two yuan in pocket money a week, so he could save a dollar. On the other hand, the youngest daughter was indeed not as sensible as the eldest daughter!

Wu Mei sneered inwardly, reached out and took a dollar, Wu Yue was overjoyed, ready to pour a few more spoons of oil, Wu Mei made a sound.

"My pocket money hasn't been spent yet. Look, Dad, there's still a dime left here. I came to me when I bought a soup bag. I only spent one dollar last week, and the remaining one is for soup at Fenglaiju. Bao, you don't listen to my explanation, and you convict me as soon as you come, my mother is like this, and my sister is like this, and the court even asks the death row prisoner to say a few words!"

Wu Mei took out a crumpled wool note from her pocket, next to Wu Yue's one dollar, she pouted her mouth in grievance, her eyes were red, tears were swirling inside, her face was not white. A pitiful injustice.

Wu Zhengsi felt very uncomfortable. The youngest daughter bought delicious food after saving money and came back to honor him. Instead, her wife and eldest daughter were wronged. Can you not feel wronged!

He Biyun couldn't hang on his face, and reprimanded: "If you say a few words, you will shed mouse tears. You are so precious? Hurry up and wipe the table!"

Wu Zhengsi glared at him and shouted, "You can't speak properly? If you convict the child without asking anything clearly, you need to change your temper. You can't imitate your mother, Yueyue, okay, you are all in the house. I’ve been here for a long time, so I’ll come out and do some activities to help your mother work!”

Wu Yue felt bitter in her heart, and she was the one who said she was the one who said the rice was stolen.

"I'm sorry, it's mine or not. I shouldn't talk nonsense without asking clearly, don't blame me!" Wu Yue said softly, staring at the dollar without blinking, thinking about how to put it away. to come back.

How could Wu Mei not be able to see her thoughts, she shook her money intentionally, and said empathetically, "Sister, you must be under too much pressure to study, I think you have been saying the wrong things recently, sister, don't put the first place It's too important to see, the body is the most important."

"What nonsense are you talking about? Why doesn't the first place matter? Your sister is as easy as drinking water when she takes the first place test. Think you're stupid..."

He Biyun didn't say the last two words, but he scolded it countless times in his heart, the dead girl just can't see the moon and the moon, why is the first place unimportant?

Who will remember the second and third?

Only the first place can be remembered forever!

Her family can only take the first test every month, and absolutely no second or third! ..

Wu Mei looked coldly at He Biyun's rhetoric~www.readwn.com~ Hmph, it's as easy as drinking water?

Then let's wait and see, after seeing Wu Yue's score, how will he fly down three thousand feet!

"Thank you for the one dollar, sister. Next week, I will go to Fenglaiju to buy soup dumplings, and I will bring back a basket for you." Wu Mei said with a smile, and blatantly put the one dollar into her pocket, even though she has no idea what to do now. I didn't take the money into consideration.

Wu Yue smiled reluctantly. She paid a dollar, but she could only eat one basket of crab yellow buns.

"Thank you Meimei."

The voice came out between her teeth, and Wu Mei felt it was very pleasant. She smiled proudly, and flung her ponytail into the house briskly. She still had a lot of money in her bag, so she had to find a good place to hide it.

As for cleaning the table, didn't her good father already let Wu Yue do it!

This crab roe bun is really worth it, not only does it not lose money, but it doesn't make a net profit of seventy cents, haha! Eight zero sweet wife

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