80s: Little Sweet Wife

Chapter 1863: ready to drop out

"Really or not? Why do you want to drop out of school?" Meimei was very puzzled. ◢Щщш.suimeng.lā

Kyoto University is a holy place for many people who want to come in. Xu Zixuan was admitted, but she didn't cherish it, and she wanted to suspend her studies.

The brain is really let the donkey day!

Ren Qianqian said firmly: "Really, it seems that Xu Zixuan wants to marry Teacher Jiang. Students in school can't get married. This fool wants to drop out of school."

"You didn't just return to the capital yesterday, how did you know so clearly?" His style was even more strange, and it took a day and a night to find out where did Ren Qianqian come from.

Ren Qianqian glanced at her contemptuously, triumphantly, "Miss I have many friends, they called me as soon as I came back. I know all the big and small things that happened in Kyoto in the past two months."

She lowered her voice again and said, "I also know that Teacher Jiang's life is very difficult now. His ex-wife is a powerful person. He looked very generous when he divorced, and he left a gallery for Teacher Jiang, but that gallery is just a It's a bottomless pit, there is not enough money to fill it, Teacher Jiang has sold almost all of his valuable collections, and now he is so poor."

Meimei then understood why Jiang Zhiru and Xu Zixuan hurried to Hong Kong!

Dare to go to auction to collect, really stupid!

If you sell things like calligraphy, painting and antiques too quickly, you will definitely not be able to sell at a good price.

"Didn't that gallery say that its profits are good? How could it be at a loss?" Qiqi didn't understand, Jiang Zhiru's gallery was well-known in the circle, many students of the Academy of Fine Arts would send their works there for sale, and Chang Qingsong used to do it. to sell.

Ren Qianqian sneered and said disdainfully: "It depends on whose hands it is, it's the same as the truth that oranges grow Huainan as oranges and Huaibei grows into oranges, art galleries are cash cows in Madam Jiang's hands, but can't they get there? In the hands of people who understand business, they are a bottomless pit to swallow money.”

She could see this kind of routine at a glance. Madam Jiang wanted to punish the scumbag, so she did her tricks in the gallery.

Meimei has a different opinion, "I think Mrs. Jiang should be waiting for Teacher Jiang to take the initiative to turn back. She has deep feelings for Teacher Jiang and will not let go easily."

Although he had only met Madam Jiang once, Meimei could feel Madam Jiang's affection for Jiang Zhiru.

Ren Qianqian's eyes widened, "Fuck... No way, you still want such a scumbag? Men in the world are dead!" ..

Change her~www.readwn.com~ If her husband finds a mistress outside, she will have to cut the scumbag's **** and let him die forever!

Meimei shook his head and sighed: "Maybe it's too deep in love, no matter what a man does outside, there will always be a door left for him to wait for him to come home."

Ren Qianqian was stunned for a moment. She thought of her own mother. Her unsatisfactory father used to search for fox spirits outside. Her mother cried to death, but now her father is in prison. Her mother felt distressed again, and she would go to prison to see her father every few days.

She didn't even dare to tell her mother that her father's imprisonment was all made by her, which made her feel uncomfortable.

"These women are idiots..."

Ren Qianqian cursed angrily, and included her mother in her heart.

There is no way she can't let go of my father. Blood is thicker than water. No matter how you say it is her own father, why can't her mother figure it out?

As the old saying goes, husband and wife are birds of the same forest, and they fly separately when disaster strikes. Why doesn't her mother fly? What's the point of guarding her father's hollow carrot?

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